Monday, October 19, 2009

Those who have imperfect wives love more than those who have perfect wives

I deeply believe God gave me Phill to remind me of His love and grace daily. Phill is not a perfect husband at all yet I have been amazed by his persistent love and grace towards me. I knew he loved me, but I am discovering more than ever the ways he loves me, as if I had only known the "tip of the iceberg" before we were married. The more grace Phill pours out on me, and the more love he gives me, the more I want to give back to him.

Just yesterday, I looked at myself (I literally imagined to be someone else looking at myself) and thought, "Man, I am a big mess. I have a terrible attitude, I am rude, I am mean, I am stubborn, and I am disorganzied." Then, just before I got fearful, depressed, and discouraged, my husband came to my mind. "Well, if I am such a big mess, Phill should have yelled at me, tried to divorce me, mocked me or something a while ago now... but I have never ever heard anything but affirmation, praises, and love from him...." And that's when this dawned on me. Those who have imperfect wives love more than those who have perfect wives! Phill loves me with a supernatural love that never dies!

On the day we first agreed to court each other towards marriage, he said to me, (and this is in front of a Dairy Queen in Miami) I promise to show you more of God in this relationship. My heart melted like ice cream and I wanted to marry this man knowing that I was willing to submit to him just as he had submitted himself to Christ. The more imperfect I am, the more I know he loves me. For when I fall short in being a mommy, a wife, a follower of Christ, or a friend, he is always here to pray with me and for me, love me, speak life unto me, encourage me, make me laugh, and hear me cry. Not that I will fall short more just to get more of his love, but that I will also love him back. The way Phill loves me, makes me want to love him more, pray for him more, love his children more, take care of this home more, and be a more Christ centered wife each day! I want to trust him, submit to him, serve him, and yet challenge him, stretch him, and "intense fellowship" (fight with a point) with him.

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. We love because [God] first loved us." 1John4:18-19

Heavenly Father, You are the perfect love that drives us to love each other with sacrifice, selflessness, affirmation, and till eternity. Continue to pour Your love into us so we may overflow and in turn pour Your love to everyone around us. I pray that You will continue to mature us in our faith, teach us to season our words with grace and sprinkle them with love, and have mercy on our children and children's children. Help us to be Christ centered spouses, parents, and friends. AMEN.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hosanna in the highest

Break my heart for what breaks Yours, everything I am for Your kingdom's cause......

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Seek ye first the Kingdom of God

Matthew 3: 31-34 So don't worry, saying, 'What will we eat?' or 'What will we drink?' or 'What will we wear?' For the idolaters eagerly seek all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you. Therefore don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

God renew my patience and my soul. Pour Your love in me so I may do so for my children, husband and others. I need Your help to raise the children. I need Your grace for I am not perfect at all. Lead me in Your peaceful path. Bless me with Your wisdom and Your words. Help me focus on seeking You and Your Kingdom and not mine. I lay down myself and desire to drink up Your living water. You are my rock and my salvation. Teach me to rest in You and give You my burdens. Continue to work in me and make me holy. Set me apart for Your works. AMEN.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

new world order = globalization = end times???

I don't completely agree with everything in this video but I know it bears lots of truth to it. Ephesians 6 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Lord, help us to put on the full Armor of God so we can stand against the Devil's schemes. Deliver us as you delivered Daniel from the den of lions. Direct us and give us peace. Equip and train us so we can in turn equip our children and train them in Your word and truth. AMEN.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


i love journaling but right now i'm lazy and preferring to just type. i'm trying to improve in leading worship for the pre teens... notes from last night:

1. pray like a 5th grade boy
2. mind the flow of the whole set eg fast fast slow prayer vs fast prayer fast talk slow prayer
3. know the structure of all songs verse chorus verse chorus chorus instr bridge chorus etc
4. write down what to pray or say
5. crack the whip and start on time no chit chatting
6. don't worry too much about instr details when players are good
7. start sound checking right away to get everyone into practice mode
8. send song keys with the song list
9. think of something funny that'll break the ice
10. don't pray with long pauses or pray too long kids start elbowing each other
11. energetic prayers during the intro of songs not just at the beginning or end with solemn prayers
12. have fun
13. know my lyrics
14. ask drummer to click it off
15. feed off of the kids' energy
16. ask band to vamp while kids come in from game time
17. ask kids to do motions at front if songs are familiar
18. develop my own leading style

God help me.