Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Isaac's 4 tomorrow!

Im so proud of my little boy! God has gifted him in so many ways and has blessed him with so much. He is going to be like his daddy, a godly man after God's own heart. A few weeks ago, he was out at the clothes line with me helping me with laundry, ......

I asked him: what do you want to be when you grow up?
Isaac: I wanna be a firefighter.... and I want to build a house on the solid rock.
Me: Yeah? That's great. I am so glad to hear.
Isaac: Yes, and I want Abigail to build her house right next to mine.
Me: Why?
Isaac: because I love her. I love both of my sisters so much.
Me: Awww! you are one sweet boy.
Isaac: And I want your house to be next to mine too. So we can be close together.
Me: I want you to be close too! But what if your wife wants to
live close to her parents which is far away?
Isaac: then I will give her the directions for her to drive there.
Me: but what if she wants to move close to her parents?
Isaac: mommy, if she wasn't a godly wife i wouldn't have married her.

To me, that was one of the deepest conversations I had with him. He has learned that a wife is to be submissive to her husband. Now when he is married, his number priority might be different and would not be to live close to us. But in his little mind, he knows that his responsibility is to make the big decisions and to lead his family with godliness. He blows my mind! And I thank You God for continuing to mold him and teach him through life, us, his sisters, and Your word.

Another conversation happened today when I rocked him at bedtime. (no i don't rock my kids to sleep still. the kids just take turns being "questioned" every night hahaha) anyway, he told me he was bullied at VBS. when i picked them up from VBS, abigail had told me she played with him which was weird because they were in different classes. as the story unfolds, i found out she was the only one brought out of her class for a little to play with isaac who was supposedly grouchy. the grouchiness came from the bullying. he told me the kids didn't want to play with him. so of course, i asked him if he took turns, if he tried to share, if he asked to play, if he did this or that... he basically said he would go to kids and they would turn around and play somewhere else! he told phill that he was "left alone". : ( what else co
uld i feel but sad and heart broken? anyway i told him i know how he feels because i grew up in that environment where classmates bullied and didn't want to play with me. and i also told him that Jesus knows how he feels because after Judas gave him a kiss, all of His friends ran away and He suffered and died alone. Isaac is a good sport, still smiling as we talked. but he admitted he was sad. i told him he has to believe God is sovereign, that He has allowed this to happen so that he can share in Jesus' sufferings and so he would have compassion on other kids when they are "left alone".

I don't know why he was "left alone" but I do know that God uses everything to draw us close to Him. I know teaching Isaac all this will make an eternal difference in his life. I, too, have to believe that God is sovereign and has allowed this in his life. It's gonna be okay.

So.... I told him tomorrow is a new day, thanked Abigail for being a loving big sister, and kissed them good night. We have a week of celebrations planned for his birthday and we can't wait!!!

LORD, thank You for blessing us with Isaac. He is full of love, sweetness, kindness, generosity, righteousness, mischief, energy, talent, boy-ness, ideas, and questions! You have made him, he is Yours, continue to grow him, mold him, teach him, love him, protect him, and humble him through everyone and everything. May Your will be done in his life. In Your name I pray AMEN.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

busy summer 2011

with Phill's speaking engagement drawing near, 2 Corinthians 4 has been the passage I run to. Life has been nuts! Like a roller coaster.

First our condo and tenant.... still ongoing battle. Then our car has problems everything has been changed from air filter, fluids, fuses, tires, and today, we went to sams to get the tires rotated because TCS was lit up on the dashboard, sams broke a lug nut!!! it will cost a lot to replace whatever they should responsible for but will never own up to. then last night, i found a lump on phill's back... that's never good, so he's gonna get it checked on monday. and i got defriended over corn on FB. just because im a follower of Christ i believe. and these are just big events, i will not even go into the little events.

it's only the beginning of june. the retreat in san antonio is still 2 months away. Lord, if i didn't believe all this happens under Your umbrella, i would seriously scream! but please have mercy on us Lord. protect our children and us as we are committed to what You have called us to do! provide for us continually and give us peace through Your Son, the Word. help us to be diligent in chasing after You, sustain us as we get weak and tired. remind us to pray diligently with specific requests, a list to lift up as Hezekiah did when his kingdom was attacked by the Assyrians. i need Your help to be a godly woman, wife and mother. continue to reveal my sins and my shortcomings. transform me without reserve. i have no remorse in following You forever. let me suffer and hurt and make difficult decisions. but i will continue to chase after You and do Your will.