Monday, March 9, 2009

I will not forget

I have been so frustrated and annoyed. The baby is supposed to come out earlier because it's our third one! I haven't been able to walk, sit, or sleep well for so long. I need to clean the house but can't. I need to spend quality time with my two toddlers but I feel like I haven't. I need to cook but I don't want to. I need to eat but I don't feel like it. I need the baby out, but it's not coming! I find myself getting mad. Getting mad at myself. My body. My baby. My God. We have been in prayer about this VBAC thing and this baby. What's going on??

But I keep reminding myself not to forget. I cannot forget. I will accept God's will in everything. I finished reading this ridiculously long book by Beth Moore yesterday, "To live is Christ". Paul met Jesus on the road to Damascus and I met Jesus on the road to death in my car 5 years ago. I remember the moment when I gave up. Jesus sat in the passenger seat right next to me in my white Ford Taurus. I was hurting, heart broken, purposeless in life, and I remember a supernatural peace came rushing when I cried out for Jesus. It drenched me, my body, physically in something that felt like grace and comfort. He was right across from me. I met Him in my car. I met Jesus face to face. He talked to me and He confronted me. I will never forget. My moment of salvation will always bring tears to my eyes.

Grace like rain. He became my Lord, my Savior, my everything. There's none other from then on. So Lord, I trust in You. Whatever it is You have planned, that's the way it will be. Just give me Your strength, courage, and mercy. God help me. God reveal in me my iniquities. Help me to overcome. You are all powerful and I know You are able to do all things. Bless my children and be with them. Help us to be parents who will always fall on their knees for Your help and mercy. Speak to us and we will listen. We pray Your sovereignty over all things in our lives. AMEN.

Grace Like Rain

Hallelujah, grace like rain falls down on me
Hallelujah, all my stains are washed away, washed away

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