Esther Eden Koo
born Mar24 2pm 9lb7oz
We all expected this third baby to arrive in the end of February, and she kept us waiting and waiting!
Esther, literally means "star" (Esther, a young Hebrew girl formerly known as Hadassa, was chosen to be queen of Persia. She was a courageous young woman who confronted a wicked plan that was going to persecute her people even when she faced death); Eden is Hebrew for "delight" (Eden is mentioned once again in the last book of the Bible, Revelation chapter 2, as a place of where the tree of life still resides). We dedicated the Book of Phillipians to her. She is to live out a life described in Phillipians 2:14-16 as a star and be the place where others can find the "tree of Life" at.
Our first born, Abigail (the wise woman who became a wife of King David) is Hebrew and means "joy of her Abba Father"; Elizabeth (Mary's cousin, Jesus' Aunt once removed) is Greek for Hebrew name Elisheva "my God is my oath". We dedicated the book of Proverbs to her. She is to bring joy and glory to God in her life through wisdom, passion, and servanthood.
Our second born, Isaac (son of Abraham who calls God "his Fear") is Hebrew for "he will laugh"; James (half brother of Jesus) is English for Hebrew name Jacob "supplanter". We pray he will rejoice and bring glory to God's kingdom as he learns to become a leader. And of course we dedicated the book of James to him.
YET another BEAUTIFUL addition to your family. Your kids are so adorable. Hope you're doing well, and getting some sleep!
Praise the Lord!
You have the cutest little Koo's in the world! I love the name Esther. She is one of my heroes.
Blessing to you and to your family this Resurrection Day. He is risen, Hallelujah!
Congrats on a sweet little girl! So... did the VBAC work??
Congrats on a sweet little girl! So... did the VBAC work??
We are so happy for you. What lovely photos of all the children. Wow! It's so amazing to see your little wonders arrive and grow. Thanks for the great news!
Seriously, this is ridiculous. Can your kids get any cuter? And they're clean and seemingly germ-free, too! You had better not roll them in dirt when I finally get the chance to visit you. I love you all.
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