Friday, June 19, 2009

Oh Lord transform me

I don't like my own attitude. I go through the day with 2 toddlers and a almost 3 mth old and it's hard to be kind all the time. I am trying so hard to be kind, patient, gentle, and encouraging. Sometimes, I succeed and other times, I don't. I also want to be more encouraging to my husband. I want to build others up, not one who tears down. I have prayed for the Lord to transform me. And I know He's not done with me yet. I just feel like I am messing my kids up because I am not completely transformed. I am so eager to be transformed by Him. I get so nervous sometimes thinking about it. I think I need to let go and sail with Him. I am always worried about what I am doing might hinder my husband and kids that my attitude gets even worse. Lord, carry my burden and let me take up Your yoke. Help me to let go and let You reign in me. I know I will never get there by my own efforts. Let me decrease so You can increase. God, help me forgive those who have wronged me. Help me believe that You can free me from unforgiveness. I pray that You will continue to work in me so others may see You in me and my family. Purify my every thought, action, and word. Give me a clean heart. Help me guide my children to You and capture their hearts for You. AMEN.

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