It's been a crazy semester! Greek has been way fun. It is getting a bit confusing but I am determined to get it. M and S have been coming on Tuesdays. I have not been stressed out or burdened about the studies anymore since using Hess' methods. I feel that we are there to clear up the facts of our faith since the WT are out to destroy our reputation to the general JW.
All 3 of us got to share our testimonies somehow and M actually has a very powerful story. M was a drug addict for over 20 years and she asked God to give her strength to get out. He did, she got out, but the WT got to here quicker than we did. So my question now is, did God pull her out of a lifestyle or did God pull her out of eternal damnation. Does M know the true Jesus? I mean, she knows which god did it. She obviously knows the God who sent Jesus was the true God. But did Jesus revealed Himself to her yet? Either way, she is being led astray.
S didn't really have a testimony. Her husband died and the KH was the only support system she had. She has a desire to grow closer to God but is that desire a desire to fit in or a desire to really truly be broken for Him?
LORD, be with M. If she is one of Your sheep, get her back now! Holy Spirit quicken Your steps. Jesus, reveal Yourself for Your are the Word and You are God. Stiffen her heart and mind to the WT lies. Soften her spirit to Your calling. Allow us to continue to share with her. Help her identify with us as her family and help us treat her as a sister in Christ if indeed she is one.
Another thing that has been on my mind a lot is Church. We have been hopping around for the summer. I have made a pact with the LORD that I will take a sabbatical in leading worship this year. I am just frustrated and almost angry with pastors who don't preach the Word of God. I put it this way to my husband. If you don't preach from the Bible and read from page to page on the podium on the Lord's Day, then you shouldn't expect any of your members to do so on their own leisure time. What a hypocritical thing to do! To preach about spending time in the Word, praying fervently, and making disciples, and yet, the Church is doing nothing to exemplify those important elements for its families. It makes me mad that pastors nowadays don't have the faith they need in God's Word. They say "surrender all" to the Lord Jesus, and yet they don't surrender their church or themselves at the podium. Surrender your human schemes, your human methods, your human words and allow the Word of God to be the double edged sword, active, and living for your congregation!
One more thing that is heavy on my heart is my friend Laurie. She has been taken away from her spiritual family time and time again. The Devil has just been separating her and her brothers and sisters in Christ from her and not allowing her to connect with any of them. When I fight with my brothers and sisters, we make up and we are deeper in our relationship. We don't shun one another and we don't dis fellowship one another like the KH. We definitely do not forsake our kinship over anything. My prayer for her is that she will come to see the patterns of hurt in her relationships with other believers and find in Jesus the grace to be able to deal with conflict. I want her to be talking to me but she's probably blocked all my emails, numbers and blogs. I am ok with this knowing that she is faithful in her time with the LORD. Jesus speak to her as You have many times before this about this. I trust You will place her with other believers she can fight and pray with. I also pray for her father especially because he is near his end. I pray You will open his eyes and snuff out his pride. May Your will be done.
LORD help me also to submit to my husband, prioritize my life and housework and school and kids and ministries better. Give me wisdom to say no to things I don't need to be doing. Discern for me what is right and wrong. Continue to mold my kids and give me grace while i parent them. Restore our relationships after we have tough days and give me self control and kindness. Humble me and teach me to actively listen to others. Show me how to be a worship leader like Solomon and give me diligence in practicing on my instruments and camera. I know you are active in my dad's life. I ask You Jesus to give him grievance over his sins. Tonight I pray that You will convict him and move him closer to You. Show him how much You love and chase after him and let him know that You are the Way the Truth the Life, the Resurrection, the Word, the Light, the Messiah, and God. In Your beautiful name I ask these things to be done, and for myself to have faith in Your faithfulness. AMEN.
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