Wednesday, January 2, 2013


Been meditating on the word Shield for the past 2 weeks. Here r my thoughts:

Prov2 shows me He is my shield as I walk blameless according to His righteousness. As a child of God and wife of a minister, I have acquired a bittersweet taste to leaving situations up to Him so He can be my shield. Bitter because it is hard to swallow accusations, tough to bite my tongue of defensiveness, and ultimately realizing my unbelief in Him as my shield. Sweet because His peace and joy become like honey to my soul, because His willingness to be my shield overpowers the taste of bitterness, and I receive incomprehensible comfort and rest. Yes! He is my Shield mightily forged by undeserved suffering, perfect grace, and the furnace of righteousness. For that, my God, I am thankful. "Who am I that You are mindful of me?" Your precious child. Here I am. (Job 7, Heb 2)

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