Monday, July 14, 2008

One day...

Man Sues Bible Publishers over Verses on Homosexuality

A Michigan man is suing Zondervan Publishing and Thomas Nelson Publishing, claiming biblical references to homosexuality as a sin violate his constitutional rights and have caused him emotional pain and mental instability.

Bradley LaShawn Fowler, 39, is seeking $60 million from Zondervan and $10 million from Thomas Nelson, The Grand Rapids (Mich.) Press reported. He is representing himself in both claims.

Fowler claims the Bible has made him an outcast and contributed to physical discomfort and periods of "demoralization, chaos and bewilderment."

"As frivolous as this case may sound, it's an indicator of where the homosexual agenda is headed," said Bruce Hausknecht, judicial analyst for Focus on the Family Action. "Ten years from now, this type of case won't be humorous at all; we'll see organizations like the ACLU dedicating resources to them because such 'language' will no longer be considered protected speech.

"Sweden, Canada and the U.K. are already prosecuting religious speech as 'hate' speech, as it relates to the biblical view of homosexuality."

One day, I will be arrested for proclaming the gospel and the diety of Christ. One day, I will be called a 'hater' even though I have the love of Christ. One day, the Bible will be illegal and true worshipers of Jesus will be underground.

Why would this man sue Bible publishers? That's like suing the authors and publishers of any books that went against any Biblical values and offended people like me who love the Lord and His laws. It is not like someone sat this man down and forced the Bible in front of him and made him read it day and night until he believed it. This is so sad. I am just disgusted by the backwardness of this world. God deliver us from evil.

One day, Jesus will be back to reign the heavens and the earth. One day, on earth, above the earth and under the earth, every knee shall bow and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. God, my prayer is that You show me what Your will for me is. I still can't quite put it all together. Music, kids, the deaf, and politics? You have put in my heart these passions but they confuse me and I feel not just unworthy but incompetent! Hear my plea and give me clear visions of my calling.

1 comment:

Phillip Koo said...

your plea is heard baby. I love you. You write really well. I'm pleased to have read this blog. It is truly sad what this world has come to when we start suing publishing companies and writers of books who have their own opinions. One day, someone is going to sue God, as weird as that may sound, I think that has happened before.

Your hubabub.