Monday, October 27, 2008

And WHAT occasion is THIS?

My husband came home from class and we came up with something that seriously made lots of sense. We hate halloween and will never capitalize it, celebrate it or let our kids give or get candies or dress up for it and we have tons of reasons for it..... But this new reason is awesome!

See, we were trying to figure out why we would disagree with others that "dressing up for halloween is harmless," and my husband asked this great question. "Why are we dressing up?" We dress up to worship God on Sundays to be respectful... we dress up to please our spouse or others to flatter them... we dress up to a graduation or party to congratulate and celebrate... we dress up to a conference or meeting to make an impression... we even dress ourselves in pyjamas for the occasion to sleep restfully. But what are we teaching our kids when we dress up on halloween? Just WHO are we honoring? Why are we dressing up?

When we dress up, decorate, do trick or treats, and go to "boo events", we are teaching our kids that SOMETHING important is going on or SOMEONE is special. Candies, decorations, and outfits, the facade of harmlessness, are just another MARKETING OF EVIL. Parenting is a spiritual battle.

Now WHY in my sane mind, would I ever open my kids and myself up to terror and fear at any "boo events"? I don't know. Growing up not being Christians, my parents let me see horror movies and I've been to the worst of all, halloween horror nights at Islands of Adventures. "Oh it's not real", "just pretend they're in underwear", "why are you such a wimp" ...... even since my childhood, I have known evil is real, and demonic forces are real. I screamed all the way through the Island of Adventures. I was 21 years old. I knew those ghosts and dead people were not real, but I felt demonic presences all around me. So, we would rather teach my kids and myself to stay away from and hate evil, than to teach them to harden their hearts to evil. We are taught by the word of God to guard our hearts and not associate with evil. And on top of it all, why would I go somewhere or do something on purpose to watch and hear my own children cry and scream in fear. That's just a bit sick to me.
Again, parenting is a spiritual battle and with God's help, we will not falter.

As a mom, I have thought about how they'd miss the fun of dressing up. But how about dressing up on Christmas as someone on the nativity scene and serving at shelters or other places? We hate walking around seeing santas everywhere when we do not celebrate him either. Yet people complain about nativity scenes and menorahs. Why do non Christians always want Christians to be "tolerant" yet they have no tolerance for us and our beliefs?

God you are sovereign. Help us to actively engage ourselves in spiritual battle. Help us to know the schemes of our Enemy. Help our future generations to discern with God's wisdom and love with Christ's love. Help me to be sensitive and discerning. Help us spread Your love one person at a time. God help us all. AMEN.
Lifesong - Casting Crowns

Empty Hands held high
Such Small sacrifice
If not joined with my life
I sing in vain tonight

May the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to you
Let my lifesong sing to You
Let my lifesong sing to You
I want to sign your name
to the end of this day
Knowing that my heart was true
Let my lifesong sing to You

LORD, I give my life
A Living sacrifice
To reach a world in need
To be your hands and feet

So may the words I say
And the things I do
Make my lifesong sing
Bring a smile to You

Friday, October 24, 2008

Almost bald

Okay, I still have more than a head full of hair. It's just that for the past two days, the combination of horrible sleep and two sick but active toddlers (one with stomach virus and the other teething) and an apartment full of junk to clean is driving me insane! I am totally exhausted and ready to ship myself off to a deserted island for a day,... maybe just an hour. I feel bloated and huge and keep telling everyone that I am 20 months instead of 20 weeks pregnant (not on purpose), but just maybe, I really do feel that way. I have cried out to God while vacuuming and cooking, held back my anger while disciplining, forced myself to hug and kiss my children, and unhook my already extended bra to breathe. We pray for wisdom and patience Lord. Help us capture Abigail and Isaac's hearts for Your kingdom. Give us the love, kindness, and will to discipline them. God, we can't do it. We can't do any of this without Your wisdom and grace. Set them apart for Your glory Lord. AMEN.

Little boy on his knees - Cheri Keaggy

He see's me in the morning,
Lifting him out of bed.
The sun comes with little warning,
A brand new day's ahead.
To the kitchen for some breakfast,
A plate of toasted bread,
A cup of milk just as expected,
Close your eyes and bow your head.

You can thank him for anything you want to,
For the flower's and the trees
And pray,Lord Jesus, make me,
A little boy on my knees.

He's Mommy's little helper.
Learning to comb his hair.
And loves his baby sister,
Though he doesn't always share.
A quarter in the bucket,
A memory verse or two,
Although he may not know it,
He's beginning to follow you.

You can thank him for anything you want to,
For your Daddy and for me.
And pray, Lord Jesus, make me,
A little boy on my knees.

As we teach our Son to serve the Lord, in every way,
Lord the most important thing is this that we now pray,
Lord, we thank you everything you give us, but most importantly,
We pray Lord Jesus, make our Son a little boy on his knees.

Lord we thank you for everything you give us, but most importantly
We pray, Lord Jesus, make our Son,
A little boy on his knees.
We pray that someday he'll become,
A young man on his knees.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Special Guest blogger - my husband

How do you reconcile a loving God with one who punishes the sins of their fathers?

"You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the waters below. You shall not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing love to a thousand {generations} of those who love me and keep my commandments. - Exodus 20:4-6

We must understand that inherited sin brought more than generational sin. First it brought the potential to sin to the next generation, and second it brought a sense of guilt. The guilt, and potential to sin is hard to overcome. But instead of looking at the "punishment of their fathers" reconcile this to the "grace of our Father." You may think I am ignorant of the question therefore I'm changing directions, but I want to proceed and give an indirect approach.

Look at the context of Genesis 15, where God blesses Abraham by telling him he will have a child. Abraham them follows into a deep sleep, and God speaks:

"As the sun was setting, Abram fell into a deep sleep, and a thick and dreadful darkness came over him. Then the LORD said to him, "Know for certain that your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own, and they will be enslaved and mistreated four hundred years. But I will punish the nation they serve as slaves, and afterward they will come out with great possessions. You, however, will go to your fathers in peace and be buried at a good old age. In the fourth generation your descendants will come back here, for the sin of the Amorites has not yet reached its full measure."

In this passage you see the sins of his generation building, but not yet reaching its full. When it is full God will punish these nations, and give Abraham's descendants the land. We will eventually see that Joshua takes the land which will be known as Canaan, a land of Promise. Recognize that this is first and foremost an example of God's grace. God's wrath and punishment is a response to a lack of repentance from the people. From this passage to the beginning of Joshua 200-400 years would have past (depending if you take the Early Date or Late Day theory of Exodus, this is another subject). God has given the people of the land 200-400 years to respond to God's call on them. He will use a patriarchal response through the likes of Isaac, Jacob, and Esau to reach all the lands stretching forth from their wanderings of Ur to the southern depths of Egypt. God in His merciful grace reached out, but ultimately as we all know the people were unresponsive, and we see godless generations that fail to see God's grace. But we do know someone responded. Her name is Rahab. She responded, and thus God used her and later fulfilled a promise through her; David her offspring, and Jesus, the son of God. This is grace (the whole world was saved!), not punishment. Now i'm not ignorant or unaware of God's wrath, but that comes to fruition in Deuteronomy 29:27-28, "Therefore the LORD's anger burned against this land, so that he brought on it all the curses written in this book. In furious anger and in great wrath the LORD uprooted them from their land and thrust them into another land, as it is now." But the people knew, and they had their opportunity to respond to His grace, but God's plan is greater than that of mans.

How do we reconcile the two? Like Erwin McManus asked us during his sermon I'll ask you the same, "Take a deep breath, now don't breathe out until you realize you need it." That's God's grace. And one day our flesh will die. This is the consequence of sin; death. God's grace is always greater than His wrath. We will have our time, and like the Israelites; are we going to respond, or be like the Canaanites who refused to breathe.


So, how do we answer the mass killings mentioned in the Old Testament that Israel had done to many nations in the name of God. In the Hebrew text it is translated as 'chechem'. Understand this in context of what was previously written; God's grace was shown prior to God's wrath. Also understand that there was no redemption to sin. So the death of any persons in the Old Testament led to death (spiritually, and physically) until the death and resurrection of Christ. So when the sins of the nations reached their full, we see a response by God, but there was grace. But in this understand that this led to Christ's death and resurrection; his grace to man, but also God's greatest wrath towards the sinful. Where there is redemption to sin, now there lies judgment to those who do not believe. I cannot explain or understand in detail God's wrath, but He is consistent, and it's up to us in how we respond.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Marketing of Evil - David Kupelian

If Satan is good at anything, it's the marketing of evil. He makes sin look fine, even good. I know I have been really quiet about govt and politics since I've been pregnant, but I am still reading on everything. I have just been so exhausted to think and type what I think. God is sovereign and whatever happens, He is in control. Lord, I continue to pray that Your glory be shown in all of this mess in our world. Just like Noah, we are sealed in a convenant with You. Noah in the ark, us in Christ's blood, anyhow we are sealed. I just pray that You will continue to soften hearts and turn them to repentance. Let us not be deceived by Satan's marketing of the world and motivate us to find the truth and stand firm in it. Continue to guide our family as we walk with You. Humble my heart to allow others to teach me. Help me find women who will hold me accountable and mentor me with love. Show us each day how to win the hearts of our children to You. Your way not mine. AmEN.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Inadequate.... Left out?

Man, I feel inadequate. I have been feeling like that since Phill told me that God has finally revealed His plan to prepare his heart to pastor. Well, I feel left out from this plan!!! I mean, I have known that we have been called to full time ministry since before we were married. But what about me?! What about His plan to prepare my heart to become a wife of a pastor?!?!?! You can't just give me a title and expect I'd know what to do with it. What happened to that part?! I have so many relational problems! I am like a troubled kid with a troubled past and a troubled present... Different troubles. But still! I am inadequate. I am going to need lots and lots and lots of counseling, help, prayers, classes, healing, accountability, effort, heart, desire... lots and lots of all those things, to ever start working towards becoming a pastor's wife!!!

God, hear Your servant's desperate cry to You. Will you not show me what to do? What to pray for? Tell me how, when, where, why, who!!! Lord, I feel left out and I want in. Deal with me and mold me into someone I am not right now. Set a goal in front of me and let me see where I can run to. You are my true living God Who is able to do all things. I will rely upon You and keep asking You. Reveal Yourself to me and make it obvious to me what to do. AMEN.

Friday, October 3, 2008

From horrendous to stupendous

God knows my every need. I was having such a bad day with my lymph node and ear, then Isaac woke up in the middle of our grocery shopping, and then even went poopy while we were getting back in the car. I had problems yesterday, and yet God showed His compassion and sovereignty through a trash can by the car and comfort by the Holy Spirit. I am learning to be a more God-centered wife, mother, and neighbor every day, and I am amazed by the ways He is transforming me each and every minute. I need Your grace God, to become the woman You want me to be. I definitely need a lot more than compassion and books to become a pastor's wife. Lord, I know this is one of the things I cannot learn on my own. Teach me, guide me, and place me with the people You know will be able to train me. God, have mercy on my family. You know our distress and our situation. Have compassion on Leo. Soften Teresa's heart. Continue to speak to Mimi and Anson. Save my parents. Help me love those who don't love me and help me want those who don't want me. Continue to convict me of my sins and demand a life of holiness in me. Set apart my children and my children's children for Your purpose. May we be used by Your will. AMEN.

Your Grace is enough Chris Tomlin
Great is Your faithfulness oh God
You wrestle with the sinner's heart
You lead us by still waters and to mercy
And nothing can keep us apart
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me
Great is Your love and justice God
You use the weak to lead the strong
You lead us in the song of Your salvation
And all Your people sing along