Friday, October 3, 2008

From horrendous to stupendous

God knows my every need. I was having such a bad day with my lymph node and ear, then Isaac woke up in the middle of our grocery shopping, and then even went poopy while we were getting back in the car. I had problems yesterday, and yet God showed His compassion and sovereignty through a trash can by the car and comfort by the Holy Spirit. I am learning to be a more God-centered wife, mother, and neighbor every day, and I am amazed by the ways He is transforming me each and every minute. I need Your grace God, to become the woman You want me to be. I definitely need a lot more than compassion and books to become a pastor's wife. Lord, I know this is one of the things I cannot learn on my own. Teach me, guide me, and place me with the people You know will be able to train me. God, have mercy on my family. You know our distress and our situation. Have compassion on Leo. Soften Teresa's heart. Continue to speak to Mimi and Anson. Save my parents. Help me love those who don't love me and help me want those who don't want me. Continue to convict me of my sins and demand a life of holiness in me. Set apart my children and my children's children for Your purpose. May we be used by Your will. AMEN.

Your Grace is enough Chris Tomlin
Great is Your faithfulness oh God
You wrestle with the sinner's heart
You lead us by still waters and to mercy
And nothing can keep us apart
So remember Your people
Remember Your children
Remember Your promise Oh God
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough
Your grace is enough for me
Great is Your love and justice God
You use the weak to lead the strong
You lead us in the song of Your salvation
And all Your people sing along

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