Friday, November 13, 2009

Abigail - first day on bike with no training wheels!

We are sooooo proud of her. She was so excited and surprised. Daddy prayed for her to learn before he went to work and we prayed and gave thanks to the Lord for her success afterward. I truly pray she will learn to give God all glory to all she does.

Thank you Father for Your faithfulness. Grow my children unto You and set them apart for Your Kingdom and work. AMEN.


Phillip Koo said...

As I was reading this I was reminded of paper.. money... LOL.

I'm so proud of my little Abigail!

Becky Chau said...

"Great Job! I'm so jealous!" said Hannah. You motivated us to go out and practice today! "you are only three and i an six. WOW! Bye!"

Becky Chau said...

ok. after watching your video, we immediately went out and hannah rode a neighbors bike without training wheels. first try. she's six so it's easier. she's been going strong on her own bike since. thank you, Abigail and Jesus too!