Sunday, March 21, 2010

Somewhere Over the Money...

The trillion dollar obamacare is being "voted" on in congress. I am not a "republican" or a "democrat", for labels are such dangerous things. But I am a follower of my Lord Jesus Christ who saved my soul from pits of darkness and layers of fog. If there is anything that defines me, it will be words in the Bible, the infallible word of God. Lately, the main arguments I have been hearing are about the bill being ridiculously expensive VS ridiculously expensive but a need. Here are a couple of articles I have read on the contrasting views on cost:

I understand the healthcare system needs a lot of reformation and accountability. But how will a government run healthcare system be any better? Somewhere over the money though, there is so much more at stake. If the congress can pass such a huge bill without a vote from we, the people, and employ such judicial tyranny in our nation, we, the "freest" people on planet earth are just the "most deceived to be free" people on earth. And the REAL costs of obamacare? Read this.......... and This. (More on how our government has been handling our nation's resources: Bailout - a sham?)

However, I have realized insurance (basically money) is an earthly possession and insurance does not heal us from diseases. We chase after this man made program called insurance because for a lot of us, there is no hope for something ugly called death. According to the word of God, there are two deaths, one is physical death, the other, spiritual. Our souls are made to last forever. Spiritual death means eternal time-out from our Creator. But His goal, all along, was for us to have spiritual eternity with our Creator! John 3:17 says, for God did not send His Son into the world, to condemn the world, but to save the world, through Him! Whether this bill passes or not, I don't just have insurance for my physical body, I have assurance in Him for I have made peace with my Creator. So again, somewhere over the money, our souls are at stake.

Our Heavenly Father who created all things, You are a sovereign God. I thank You for Your grace and mercy. You are God, slow to anger and abounding in love. There are so many uncertainties and turmoil in this fallen world even now, I pray that You will continue to give us peace that surpasses all understanding. I pray for my family and friends who have no assurance in eternity, that You will incessantly reveal Your love and ultimate goal to reconcile with them. I ask these things in Jesus' name, AMEN.

1 comment:

mommykoo said...

"One of the traditional methods of imposing statism or socialism on a people has been by way of medicine. It’s very easy to disguise a medical program as a humanitarian project. Most people are a little reluctant to oppose anything that suggests medical care for people who possibly can't afford it." ~ Ronald Reagan

I just commented on my own blog... yes i did.