Tuesday, December 7, 2010


i had written this song several months ago based on nehemiah and jeremiah. i wanted this song to help people pray for their nations and be broken for the sins of their nations. I recorded with my husband's phone and he somehow transferred it onto his podcast. This was the first recording so the quality is not the way I want and there is pretty much no arrangement. It's just me and my piano. There were a couple of wrong chords and I wasn't sure about some of spots. BUT, the message is the same. It's for the nations.

Click on the title to hear the song:

by Joanna Koo
Why is justice so far
that we think darkness is bright
absolute truth is nowhere in sight

Ten rules to set us apart
But on our own strength we fall
So on Christ alone we will call
we are Your glorious creation
A chosen generation
by Your grace we give our confession
That we need Your redemption
Hear our cry
Hear us pray
"Lift our eyes
Upon Your Son
Heal this land
Remember Your people
Break forth in the darkness and
rise to be victorious"
Heal this land
Remember your people
Heal this land

Lord Jesus, thank You for giving me this song. I don't think I have yet said thank You. Mostly because I am not confident about songs I write and am embarrassed about it. But I thank You now. I acknowledge that You have given me a gift in music and I want to use it to glorify Your name. I know You've got a plan for that and big or small, I want to be a part of Your Kingdom work. Forgive me for thinking that the song had stunk and for believing that I am no good at all. Forgive me for always getting discouraged and giving up for weeks before I get back to believing in Your plans. Continue to perfect my faith and work in my heart. I am available for transformation and I want to be renewed by Your Spirit. Lord I am Your humble servant. God I also ask for a helper, someone who will mentor me and help me write. Help me to focus on my spiritual heart and stop being judgmental. To submit to my husband and serve him. Help me with my kids too. I need lots of help there. Give me Your wisdom to raise them to love You and serve others and obey Your word. I also lift them up as we visit the two ladies at the hospice that You will teach us to love them and give us a chance to show Jesus to them. I pray this prayer in the name of Your precious Son, AMEN.

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