Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Hey. I struggle with feeling like I'm failing all. the. time. I always have some excuse for myself to fail. You know my life verse? Proverbs 13:4. Perfect for me. "The sluggard craves and gets nothing, but the desires of the diligent is fully satisfied."

I have to be honest, I bend towards laziness. Growing up, I did nothing but sit in front of a TV or mope around daydreaming. Now that I am a new creation in Christ, when I am lazy, I also crave to get stuff done. I really do. I have this craving to be a godly mom and godly wife and I have a plan in my head.

I don't want to be the sluggard who just keeps having these cravings of what my life should be or who I should become or why I did not do something. If these godly desires don't get fully satisfied, my heart gets confused, defeated, deflated, and crushed!

FAILURE gets etched in my brain and heart when my negative feelings collide with my godly cravings. 

When I read this verse, I am so convicted and motivated. It's written on the cover of my bible. I say it to myself before I go to sleep, because the second part of the verse is my goal. I want to be FULLY satisfied. That includes my spiritual walk with Jesus, housework, homeschooling, working out, being submissive... everything! The fruits of satisfaction pleases not only me, but my God.

LORD, Continue to teach me to do all things unto Your glory. AMEN.

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