Wednesday, September 26, 2012


Frequent re-visitations are essential. What I mean is, when God is teaching something, go back and revisit it frequently, read it again, think about it again, pray about it again, examine your life against it again and again.

One of the heart issues I was revisiting tonight is what I had mentioned in the blog on Sept 5, 2012, just a couple of weeks ago. I wrote the verse I mentioned on the cover on my bible, and when it fades, I re-write it. I just rewrote it two nights ago actually.

I went on biblegateway, and I put different versions together and studied them. Click on this, this is what I had on my screen.

In the last block, the Chinese version, it says, "Lazy man admire from afar but can't ever achieve; those who put all their might into hard work are promised prosperity." Sounds like a Chinese proverb!! ;) It says what it means and means what it says. The word admire, gives a longing for whatever they try to achieve. Also, the second part gives "umph" to the hard work. It's like triple hard work. Then, the word promised, it's gives me a "wow, finally, satisfaction is here" feeling. I love this version and how I translated it, hahaha.

Now look at Holman Christian, the slacker, here, is someone who just mopes and sits around doing nothing, even though it sounds like he knows what he should be doing. Well, he gets nothing! The ones who are diligent are satisfied, whatever they need or want to accomplish.

How about ESV? I wonder if the original language had the word "pneuma" or what in it? It says soul. But, I get it. It's deeper. It's not about material. Not about things. As I blogged on Sept 5, I crave to have spiritual things done, and when I don't work hard to get them, my SOUL feels like failure, like confused, I feel unrest.

NASB is similar to ESV.... except for the word FAT at the end LOL made me think food instead. Maybe soul food. Food for the our eternal spirit. God's Word. Jesus did say, "Man does not live by bread alone." We shall grow spiritually with spiritually food.

NIV uses the word appetite. It made me think food right away too. Everyone has an appetite for either worldliness or godliness. We have to choose what to work hard at. If we choose worldliness, we will never be filled in spiritually. There will never be enough when we are lazy at working toward godliness. Ecc5:10

I have been working slowly towards discerning what God wants me to be doing VS my own wants. I want to have a good appetite for working towards the right things, not empty things that don't matter to Him. May all of us strive for a godly appetite for spiritual growth, and never give up desiring it with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength.

LORD, You are my God, continue to teach me through this verse. I can't get enough of You and what wisdom You have for me. Use me, humble me, teach me, direct me, help me to always glorify you in everything I do. Focus my eyes on You and what You have called me to do and who You have called me to be. Give me strength to not seek human praise and ignore human jeer, but to turn my gaze upon You. Thank You Lord for giving me abundant life I never dreamed I would have. Truly, You know what's best for me. In Jesus' name I pray to You. AMEN.

1 comment:

Phillip Koo said...

most common Hebrew word for soul or wind is ru'ah(ch-guttural). However, that's not the word used here, but soul can imply deep spiritual hunger, which you applied in your blog.

I love it. It's very personal love. I pray that you will continue to have the conviction that will spur you towards more spiritual food.

I love you!