Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Nova Pathos - New passion

Technically, it's just a new realization. I read 2 Dr James Dobson books last month and realized that political issues are being manipulated because of spiritual reasons. It is true that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the authority of darkness. I am appalled by organizations like FFRF (Freedom from religious foundation), ACLU (American civil liberties union), and Planned Parenthood. I fear the future for my children and grandchildren. They will go on to a world that we will never want to live in. I pray and pray and pray that my children and their children will be god-fearing, wise in the Lord, and passionate for Christ's kingdom. If anyone in my future generations shall be lost, I will be so heart broken. Jesus, have mercy on their souls. Help me teach them your ways, and to understand why your way is the best. Because of Focus on the family, I am now much more involved in my every day political realm. I sign petitions and read up on the latest laws and regulations. Last night I email Arnold Schwarzenegger to thank him for being supportive about homeschooling. I felt cool. God, help me to pass on this important task of being active in our political world. Give me direction to your heart and desires. Continue to humble me and help me submit myself to you and my husband. Let me carry on a ministry that will impact the church and my children. Let my children see you in me and carry on your legacy. In Jesus' name I humbly ask. AMEN.

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