Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How about that

God has been sending me not just one dream but a series of dreams this time. Usually dreams of the same issue would come and go in a course of a month if I needed more than one, but apparently I needed these dreams to be within a week.

We have been praying for God to reveal our family's generational sins and for Him to help us overcome them before we pass them on to our children. Our generational sins are overwhelming and shameful. We pray God will help us overcome them and He has been gracious to reveal them and help us deal with them.

Our problems with in laws, God has revealed is not a sin but a trigger to something bigger. Marital problems. In law problems have been a passed down trigger and insecurity by generations. Every time I deal with fear or insecurity triggered by in law problems, there's dissension, division, and distrust between my hubby and I. It is something that the enemy uses to cause our families to disintegrate. In other words, if I want a wholesome marriage, we need to resolve in-law conflicts. There are tons of other generational sins like lust, malice, dishonesty, alcoholism, greed and gluttony etc. With God in this I believe we will overcome.

So with FOCA coming up on the 21-22 Jan, I still don't get it. This law will FORCE ALL hospitals to perform abortion! People should get their choices, yes, but what about these people who chose to open Catholic, Methodist, Christian hospitals and work in them because that's what they believe in?!?!?!? Shouldn't they get to choose? There's so many other clinics, hospitals, doctors, who would perform abortions for blood money! Why go to a place and why force a place with religious convictions to perform the murder of babies?!?! That's just so wrong. AND, don't even get me started with the so called "fairness doctrine". This doctrine will again FORCE radio and TV stations with religious and conservative convictions to broadcast the equal amount of liberal political messages!!! So if we broadcast Focus on the family for one hour, we will have to hear Nancy Pelosi preach for another hour or something! This is just ridiculous. That's why we have over thousands of channels to choose from!! So we can hear and watch what we CHOOSE to hear and watch. That's like saying if we broadcast Veggietales in English for one hour, we'd have to broadcast Veggietales in Spanish for the next hour!!!!! ARGH!!!! Then, there's the ENDA. A cunning tool to get everyone who stands by their beliefs fired, sued, and jailed.

God I am so perplexed at the world. I am homesick! I'd rather be "absent in the body and present with the Lord." Let us see some light in the darkness. God, let Your will be done. No matter what happens, You are still sovereign and in control. Give us patience and perseverance. Help us raise up a generation who will overcome and be courageous. Let our children and our children's chidlren be set apart and give them Your passion for Your people. Guide me to become the wise woman that You want me to be. I continue to ask for mentors, other wise women, and accountability partners in my life that You will speak through and teach me. Humble me and strengthen me. Help me love through Your Son. Help me see through Your eyes. AMEN.

More Info:
Fairness Doctrine

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