again just as God prepared me to face my dad 5 months prior to his visit, God prepared me for this adventure. He gave me a passion to take pictures, a husband who owns and knows how to use photoshop, and is willing to invest in any gifts he sees in me. So in Dec, phill bought me a 2nd hand Canon. So... I take pictures. Tons of them. I learn to use photoshop, without knowing i'd NEED this skill now.
So a few weeks ago, when phill told me about going back to work, i thought, what can i do so i don't have to be a full time career woman again??? and it dawned on me, God has been equipping me step by step. Back in Feb, i was editing some pictures, and my screen kept going bad and phill had to bang the monitor or fix the cable, i pleaded with God for a new monitor. i really did. i said, "please LORD, if this is the path You have provided for our family, i need the equipment to do so."
In May, phill found this samsung monitor out in a dumpster with cracks all over the place. He brought it in and was so excited about it. i moaned and said, we do NOT need any broken down electronics in the house! get rid of it. phill calmly said to me, let me check the info on this monitor. i might be able to fix it or send it to a warehouse to fix it. and so, he did.
Today, this afternoon, the monitor was shipped back to us from Samsung. it's a flat screen 22" monitor that can also be used as a TV. it still has a crack on the top corner, but IT WORKS! i am looking at it right now! and the only money we had to spend was $10 on shipping! PRAISE GOD!!!!! :)
LORD, You're so good to me and my family. Thank You for looking out for me and taking care of me. Help us to rely on you continually. Let me glorify You with my life gifts skills speech etc. May You bless my ministries and provide for us. AMEN.
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