Friday, July 8, 2011

Genderless classrooms....?!


"Have you heard about the recent report from Sweden about the staff of a preschool no longer using pronouns like "he" or "she" when referring to students? It's another example of what happens when marriage is redefined to include same-sex couples.

The preschool's approach to gender is a reflection of Sweden's national school curriculum that includes the mission of breaking down gender roles. For example, when playing "house," teachers suggest students role play with two or three taking the role of "mom."

These attempts at social engineering—impacting kids directly—aren't just happening overseas. An Oakland elementary school recently spent two days on "Gender Spectrum Diversity Training." Their reading list for second and third graders includes My Princess Boy and 10,000 Dresses, in which boy characters wear tiaras and magical dresses.

nothing more to say...... LORD have mercy on us and our next generations to come.

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