Saturday, February 6, 2010

Picky or not picky, that is my question.

I spent infancy through a huge part of my teenage years in Hong Kong, but most of that life I left behind was a blur. I dealt so much with confusion, fear, insecurity, and rage that I carried this identity even into 3 of my 4 years of college life at the UofM. I was a bit deprived of a healthy social life. For 10 years, I was one of the youngest and littlest student in class. But I was constantly in trouble and was bullied. I could never concentrate on anything because I was so worried about my life! So, let's say bad grades didn't help my popularity with anyone. I was labeled all these things in school and home, ADD, problematic, most popular student in the principal's office... I even started cutting myself when I was in 2nd grade. See, I remember because I was in agony. Some kind of void in my heart that made me so empty and angry. But even then, I knew I was not to do anything to end my life because God had a plan for me. Not that I knew which god, what god, or how? I didn't know what was going on, even though I was surrounded by idols my mom had out, grandma talking jehovah's witness, and maids talking catholics and dad talked atheism etc. Long story short, I got into the wrong relationships, ran away from home, and ran away from God.

So how was my life redeemed??? RADICALLY.

Abigail brought home a craft from last Wed and it was sitting out, being a nuisance. I told her, let it go, throw it away, don't hold onto it. If the old doesn't go, the new won't come. She looked at it, sang a goodbye song to it, and threw it away. I told her, see, when Jesus redeems us, we have to be willing to throw away our old self, and put on a new self that is from Him. I know God is continuing in His transformation in Him so that He may be glorified. Since seminary life, I have learned so much from the Lord. Phill has been amazing. He is patient with me and loves me with an unexplainable love. Because of what the Lord has done for me, I am not going to be picky.

I am not picky with the car I drive. I am not picky with my space of living. I have never been picky about food but I am not going to be picky with whom I eat with. I will not be picky with the people I am going to be friends with. (I used to not want any friends) I will not be picky with the people I am going to serve, smelly or not, Asian or not, godly or not, hateful or not. I will not be picky with petty things that have no eternal value or implication. I am not picky about what I wear but it has to be honoring to my husband and kids. In short, I refuse to be picky about things that are not of eternal importance. But I will be picky about wise counsel, and I will be picky about my kids' friends. I will be picky about what we see, and I will be picky about what we listen to. I will also be picky about what we read, and picky about what we wear. I will even be picky about voting in the right people who support high moral values. Not to mention, what we celebrate and put on the pedestal, because all I will glorify is Jesus Christ. I will be picky about the words that comes out of our mouths, and the kinds of foods that go into our mouths. I will be picky about my Christ centered home life, parenting and marriage.

See, people don't have to love me for me to love them. They don't even have to like me for me to love them. I love being at the seminary. After I was redeemed, I almost immediately wanted to go to seminary. But I have gone through rough times here in seminary. Seminary is not perfect. I used to think people who go to seminary must all be really holy and set apart. The fact is, it's a business and an organization. It is a school. And just like any organization, whoever can pay the money can get in. Now there are certain rules, statement of faith, and higher moral standards, but there's no control of the hearts of the people even if their hands had signed documents and their mouths had talked a knowledge of faith. It's truth. But the beautiful thing is, most people I have met are godly people who love me unconditionally without wanting anything back, and I have been blessed. I am not going to be picky on who can love me or not. =)

God help me to discern what to be picky about and not picky about. Help me to love with no conditions. Continue to teach me to let go of the old and put on the new. Help me to speak in truth and love. Continue to disciple me through Your words and wisdom. And help me to go to bed earlier. haha.. In Your Son's name I pray. AMEN.


Kat said...

this has opened my eyes and made me think. I am trying to give my life to the lord ,but cant seem to figure out how. Furthermore i don't know how to let go of all the hurt. I want to move forward and become a better person for God. For myself and those who love me. Right now i find myself crying at the way the world has become it depresses me in a way i can't even explain fully and honestly it is making it hard to have faith in us . The human race all of us i keep thinking why do we do the things we do its so terrible. Yes there are those who do good,but you don't hear about them our culture revolves around what has entertainment value and i use that term lightly. Ahhh I know it took you a lot of hard work to get where you are and if there is any advice you can give i would appreciate it Love you God Bless!

mommykoo said...

For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. Ephesians 2:8-9

There is nothing left for you to do. Jesus has done all the work! All you can do is give your life up to Him.

Pray to God the Father, tell Him that you believe - His word from the Bible is all truth and inspired by Him, - Jesus is His One and only Son, - He sent Jesus to die on the cross as a sacrifice for your sins, - Jesus died but rose from the dead to give you new life now, and eternal life in Heaven, - confess your sins and ask Him to reveal more sins - repent (turn away 180degree) from your sins and ask Him to forgive and cleanse you of all your sins, - ask Jesus to come into your life and become your savior and Lord over everything you do, - ask Him to give you the Holy Spirit as a helper - ask Him to help you live your life according to His word in the Bible.

The main point is to turn away from your sins and sin no more. Now you won't be perfect and your life won't be rosy. But the Lord will start turning your life around and align it to His will when you start worshiping Him with your life. Glorify Him by reading the Bible first (start at John get the English Standard Version), talking to Him throughout your day, and fellowship with other believers in the base. Find a Christian chaplain.

Relationship is hard work. Having a relationship with Jesus will be the hardest thing just like trying to keep in touch with friends. You gotta hang out with them, ask them questions, carry their burdens, share their joy, grow with them, cry with them, go through hard time with them..... I hope I have helped a bit. I will be praying for you daily. Please let me know what other questions you have.

Kat said...

i pick up the Bible and try to read ,but don't have the discipline to keep reading and to absorb what i am reading it is making me nuts i feel like im turning my back on him and that is not my intention. I'm worried i don't know how to pull myself towards him. I don't know how to jump start my faith again. I believe i have always believed i just don't know what is going on in my heart I feel like something is pulling me away from him and its freaking me out.

mommykoo said...

Don't feel like you are the only one who struggles in your faith! Everyone does. We all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.(Romans 3:23) Apart from Him we can do NOTHING. (John 15:5) Be encouraged, Kat. You are not alone. Phill and I will be praying for you continuously.

Find a time and a place every day, to pray for His wisdom and soak in these chapters without interruptions.
1. John 3
2. Romans 5:1-11
3. John 15:1-17 (keep in mind love here is a love for other brothers and sisters in Christ)
4. 2Corinthians4

James 2:19 says "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the demons believe that—and shudder." Remember, just believing and knowing is not what Jesus came for. He came for YOU. For you to meet Him NOW. For you to follow Him NOW. For you to have a relationship with Him NOW.

We love because He loved us first. (1John 4:19)Jesus is the One I love for now. When I serve my kids, when I love my husband, I do it because I want to let others see Jesus in my life and what He has done for me. If you have already accepted Jesus' grace and salvation in your life, He then, should be #1 in your life.

So here are some honest questions to ask yourself:
1. does Kat know the saving grace of Jesus Christ and His overwhelming love
2. is everything Kat doing glorifying to God and honoring to God's words
3. does Kat have an intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ
4. are there sins in Kat's life that has not been repented and rid off
5. does Kat have believing friends who hold her accountable and to fellowship with in the Lord