"Two little lines I heard one day,
Traveling along life’s busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart,
And from my mind would not depart;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Only one life, yes only one,
Soon will its fleeting hours be done;
Then, in ‘that day’ my Lord to meet,
And stand before His Judgement seat;
Only one life,’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Only one life, the still small voice,
Gently pleads for a better choice
Bidding me selfish aims to leave,
And to God’s holy will to cleave;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Only one life, a few brief years,
Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears;
Each with its clays I must fulfill,
living for self or in His will;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
When this bright world would tempt me sore,
When Satan would a victory score;
When self would seek to have its way,
Then help me Lord with joy to say;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Give me Father, a purpose deep,
In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;
Faithful and true what e’er the strife,
Pleasing Thee in my daily life;
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Oh let my love with fervor burn,
And from the world now let me turn;
Living for Thee, and Thee alone,
Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne;
Only one life, “twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
Only one life, yes only one,
Now let me say,”Thy will be done”;
And when at last I’ll hear the call,
I know I’ll say “twas worth it all”;
Only one life,’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last. ”
Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last.
And when I am dying, how happy I’ll be,
If the lamp of my life has been burned out for Thee.”
C.T. Studd (1860-1931) was an English missionary who faithfully served His Saviour in China, India, and Africa. His motto was: "If Jesus Christ is God and died for me, then no sacrifice can be too great for me to make for Him."
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
MY God is a wonderful God
For the last few months, I have been challenged to live a confessed simple and submitted life. I have had a lot of experiences in life and I want everything to become part of my testimony. In seminary, the assumption is that people grew up in a Christian home and have godly parents/past. I was intimidated to becoming a pastor's wife, thinking there is some sort of shoe to fill or some job description i had to adhere to. i also thought i had to fit a certain mold in action dress etiquette and talk. now the Lord has always convicted me of not cursing, dressing modestly, eating healthily, season my conversations with grace and salt..... but my idea of a pastor/minister's wife was that i had to start wearing high heels, business looking type clothes, wear a purse, put makeup on, talk softly, etc... everything i am not! in the past few years, God has helped me understand He is not here to fit me into anyone's shoes since i won't be able to walk in them but to simply transform me continually into someone who does everything in reverence of Christ.
He LOVES me. I have a Heavenly Father who LOVES me. He is a perfect Father, the King of all Kings, the Sovereign LORD, my Savior, my Redeemer... that's all i need. Father God, all I want is to please You. Everything I do, I want to do for You. I want to do these things so I may know You, and the power of the resurrection. I will laugh, I will love, I will live, I will suffer, I will cry, I will grieve so I may know You as the Son knows You, as You know me... I will strive to know You through the Holy Spirit, through the Son who is the Word, through prayer, through song, through work, through parenting, through death, through life. So help me God, have grace on me, have mercy on me. I pray I will walk away from this life with one thought in my mind, that You, are mine, and I am Yours. Help us raise our children according to Your word and Your will. Shower Your blessings and grace upon them. Help each one of them overcome generational sins from our families. Forgive us as we exasperate them. Forgive us as we fail again and again in our relationships with You, with our spouse, and our children. Fill us with Thy Holy Spirit and continue Your ministry in us as we minister within our family and outside of our family. In Jesus' holy and awesome name I petition to You, AMEN.
He LOVES me. I have a Heavenly Father who LOVES me. He is a perfect Father, the King of all Kings, the Sovereign LORD, my Savior, my Redeemer... that's all i need. Father God, all I want is to please You. Everything I do, I want to do for You. I want to do these things so I may know You, and the power of the resurrection. I will laugh, I will love, I will live, I will suffer, I will cry, I will grieve so I may know You as the Son knows You, as You know me... I will strive to know You through the Holy Spirit, through the Son who is the Word, through prayer, through song, through work, through parenting, through death, through life. So help me God, have grace on me, have mercy on me. I pray I will walk away from this life with one thought in my mind, that You, are mine, and I am Yours. Help us raise our children according to Your word and Your will. Shower Your blessings and grace upon them. Help each one of them overcome generational sins from our families. Forgive us as we exasperate them. Forgive us as we fail again and again in our relationships with You, with our spouse, and our children. Fill us with Thy Holy Spirit and continue Your ministry in us as we minister within our family and outside of our family. In Jesus' holy and awesome name I petition to You, AMEN.
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
It's been a crazy semester! Greek has been way fun. It is getting a bit confusing but I am determined to get it. M and S have been coming on Tuesdays. I have not been stressed out or burdened about the studies anymore since using Hess' methods. I feel that we are there to clear up the facts of our faith since the WT are out to destroy our reputation to the general JW.
All 3 of us got to share our testimonies somehow and M actually has a very powerful story. M was a drug addict for over 20 years and she asked God to give her strength to get out. He did, she got out, but the WT got to here quicker than we did. So my question now is, did God pull her out of a lifestyle or did God pull her out of eternal damnation. Does M know the true Jesus? I mean, she knows which god did it. She obviously knows the God who sent Jesus was the true God. But did Jesus revealed Himself to her yet? Either way, she is being led astray.
S didn't really have a testimony. Her husband died and the KH was the only support system she had. She has a desire to grow closer to God but is that desire a desire to fit in or a desire to really truly be broken for Him?
LORD, be with M. If she is one of Your sheep, get her back now! Holy Spirit quicken Your steps. Jesus, reveal Yourself for Your are the Word and You are God. Stiffen her heart and mind to the WT lies. Soften her spirit to Your calling. Allow us to continue to share with her. Help her identify with us as her family and help us treat her as a sister in Christ if indeed she is one.
Another thing that has been on my mind a lot is Church. We have been hopping around for the summer. I have made a pact with the LORD that I will take a sabbatical in leading worship this year. I am just frustrated and almost angry with pastors who don't preach the Word of God. I put it this way to my husband. If you don't preach from the Bible and read from page to page on the podium on the Lord's Day, then you shouldn't expect any of your members to do so on their own leisure time. What a hypocritical thing to do! To preach about spending time in the Word, praying fervently, and making disciples, and yet, the Church is doing nothing to exemplify those important elements for its families. It makes me mad that pastors nowadays don't have the faith they need in God's Word. They say "surrender all" to the Lord Jesus, and yet they don't surrender their church or themselves at the podium. Surrender your human schemes, your human methods, your human words and allow the Word of God to be the double edged sword, active, and living for your congregation!
One more thing that is heavy on my heart is my friend Laurie. She has been taken away from her spiritual family time and time again. The Devil has just been separating her and her brothers and sisters in Christ from her and not allowing her to connect with any of them. When I fight with my brothers and sisters, we make up and we are deeper in our relationship. We don't shun one another and we don't dis fellowship one another like the KH. We definitely do not forsake our kinship over anything. My prayer for her is that she will come to see the patterns of hurt in her relationships with other believers and find in Jesus the grace to be able to deal with conflict. I want her to be talking to me but she's probably blocked all my emails, numbers and blogs. I am ok with this knowing that she is faithful in her time with the LORD. Jesus speak to her as You have many times before this about this. I trust You will place her with other believers she can fight and pray with. I also pray for her father especially because he is near his end. I pray You will open his eyes and snuff out his pride. May Your will be done.
LORD help me also to submit to my husband, prioritize my life and housework and school and kids and ministries better. Give me wisdom to say no to things I don't need to be doing. Discern for me what is right and wrong. Continue to mold my kids and give me grace while i parent them. Restore our relationships after we have tough days and give me self control and kindness. Humble me and teach me to actively listen to others. Show me how to be a worship leader like Solomon and give me diligence in practicing on my instruments and camera. I know you are active in my dad's life. I ask You Jesus to give him grievance over his sins. Tonight I pray that You will convict him and move him closer to You. Show him how much You love and chase after him and let him know that You are the Way the Truth the Life, the Resurrection, the Word, the Light, the Messiah, and God. In Your beautiful name I ask these things to be done, and for myself to have faith in Your faithfulness. AMEN.
All 3 of us got to share our testimonies somehow and M actually has a very powerful story. M was a drug addict for over 20 years and she asked God to give her strength to get out. He did, she got out, but the WT got to here quicker than we did. So my question now is, did God pull her out of a lifestyle or did God pull her out of eternal damnation. Does M know the true Jesus? I mean, she knows which god did it. She obviously knows the God who sent Jesus was the true God. But did Jesus revealed Himself to her yet? Either way, she is being led astray.
S didn't really have a testimony. Her husband died and the KH was the only support system she had. She has a desire to grow closer to God but is that desire a desire to fit in or a desire to really truly be broken for Him?
LORD, be with M. If she is one of Your sheep, get her back now! Holy Spirit quicken Your steps. Jesus, reveal Yourself for Your are the Word and You are God. Stiffen her heart and mind to the WT lies. Soften her spirit to Your calling. Allow us to continue to share with her. Help her identify with us as her family and help us treat her as a sister in Christ if indeed she is one.
Another thing that has been on my mind a lot is Church. We have been hopping around for the summer. I have made a pact with the LORD that I will take a sabbatical in leading worship this year. I am just frustrated and almost angry with pastors who don't preach the Word of God. I put it this way to my husband. If you don't preach from the Bible and read from page to page on the podium on the Lord's Day, then you shouldn't expect any of your members to do so on their own leisure time. What a hypocritical thing to do! To preach about spending time in the Word, praying fervently, and making disciples, and yet, the Church is doing nothing to exemplify those important elements for its families. It makes me mad that pastors nowadays don't have the faith they need in God's Word. They say "surrender all" to the Lord Jesus, and yet they don't surrender their church or themselves at the podium. Surrender your human schemes, your human methods, your human words and allow the Word of God to be the double edged sword, active, and living for your congregation!
One more thing that is heavy on my heart is my friend Laurie. She has been taken away from her spiritual family time and time again. The Devil has just been separating her and her brothers and sisters in Christ from her and not allowing her to connect with any of them. When I fight with my brothers and sisters, we make up and we are deeper in our relationship. We don't shun one another and we don't dis fellowship one another like the KH. We definitely do not forsake our kinship over anything. My prayer for her is that she will come to see the patterns of hurt in her relationships with other believers and find in Jesus the grace to be able to deal with conflict. I want her to be talking to me but she's probably blocked all my emails, numbers and blogs. I am ok with this knowing that she is faithful in her time with the LORD. Jesus speak to her as You have many times before this about this. I trust You will place her with other believers she can fight and pray with. I also pray for her father especially because he is near his end. I pray You will open his eyes and snuff out his pride. May Your will be done.
LORD help me also to submit to my husband, prioritize my life and housework and school and kids and ministries better. Give me wisdom to say no to things I don't need to be doing. Discern for me what is right and wrong. Continue to mold my kids and give me grace while i parent them. Restore our relationships after we have tough days and give me self control and kindness. Humble me and teach me to actively listen to others. Show me how to be a worship leader like Solomon and give me diligence in practicing on my instruments and camera. I know you are active in my dad's life. I ask You Jesus to give him grievance over his sins. Tonight I pray that You will convict him and move him closer to You. Show him how much You love and chase after him and let him know that You are the Way the Truth the Life, the Resurrection, the Word, the Light, the Messiah, and God. In Your beautiful name I ask these things to be done, and for myself to have faith in Your faithfulness. AMEN.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Friday, August 12, 2011
Ministry launch :)
Eleven One Photography is my new ministry. Check out my website and like me on Facebook! : )
Long story short, I have been wanting to start a photography "business" for years. But the last time I used my entrepreneurial ambition, I was in second grade where I opened up my very own "Dr. Jo's club" LOL! I fixed people's broken things like pens, pencil boxes, and then after a while i found out i could sell things i made like paper rings with a cute stamp on it. well, my teachers didn't like my "store" and told me to shut it down. I never started anything again.
So it's been a struggle to start this "business". It was hard to start the website, it was hard to start a FB page, it was hard to make flyers etc... I just couldn't enjoy taking pictures and editing them. I found myself hating that I was wasting my time... I prayed and prayed for the Lord to reveal to me why I was acting that way and I couldn't understand what was going on! I didn't understand why He gave me a desire to start a photography "business". One afternoon during lunch, He just gave me the words, "ministry first."
Everything clicked! That's why! Even the name 11:1 now made sense.
The story behind Eleven One
LORD, thank you for revealing these things to me. Thank You for being patient with me. Thank You for continuing to mold me. AMEN.
Long story short, I have been wanting to start a photography "business" for years. But the last time I used my entrepreneurial ambition, I was in second grade where I opened up my very own "Dr. Jo's club" LOL! I fixed people's broken things like pens, pencil boxes, and then after a while i found out i could sell things i made like paper rings with a cute stamp on it. well, my teachers didn't like my "store" and told me to shut it down. I never started anything again.
So it's been a struggle to start this "business". It was hard to start the website, it was hard to start a FB page, it was hard to make flyers etc... I just couldn't enjoy taking pictures and editing them. I found myself hating that I was wasting my time... I prayed and prayed for the Lord to reveal to me why I was acting that way and I couldn't understand what was going on! I didn't understand why He gave me a desire to start a photography "business". One afternoon during lunch, He just gave me the words, "ministry first."
Everything clicked! That's why! Even the name 11:1 now made sense.
The story behind Eleven One
LORD, thank you for revealing these things to me. Thank You for being patient with me. Thank You for continuing to mold me. AMEN.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Step by Step
God I love that You are always ahead of me. You know my every need and every weakness. Thank You for being my perfect Father who loves me and takes care of me. There is no doubt in my mind You are a living God who is sovereign. Your hands have been in my life directing me. Your ears have been listening to my heart's cry. You have been chiseling me because You are mindful of me. Thank You for Laurie Thank You for 11:1 Thank You for moving me along while my feet dragged. Yes, Step by step, I am willing. Yes step by step, I deeply desire to. Give me the strength, perseverance, the kick in the butt. I might be doubting myself but I am not doubting You. Get me in gear, hold my hand and run, Holy Spirit consume me. Jesus You are it. AMEN.
Monday, August 8, 2011
What's going on
I don't know. I feel weird. Is it hormones? Is it a spiritual valley? Is it a tunnel? I don't know. I know for sure God is working in my life, no doubt about that. But I'm at a lost these days. A lot of things going on in my mind. A lot going on in life. A lot going on in the home and outside the home.
Today's meeting with M and S went all right. We had planned to go through chapter 4 of their little booklet "Who is Jesus Christ". When they came we started in the end of chapter 3 to "review". I somehow got into a position i don't think i had been before. Not for this long anyway. I talked for most of the hour. The question was something about Paradise Earth and the 144000. The thing is, they believe in a new earth which I too believe there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Fact is, I also believe I will be with God, fully reconciled to be in Heaven. But they don't. If you were "assigned" to be on the earth you will have a physical body and will be stuck on earth. But if you were "assigned" to be in heaven, you will have just a spirit... My problem isn't their theology. My problem is their salvation. I am bothered that they don't believe that once you believe in Jesus, you are His brother and "su casa es tu casa"!!!! You can dwell with God because it is not just God's Kingdom but your kingdom. They believe certain verses don't apply to them. Such as the wonderful phrases about seeing God's glory, being IN Christ Jesus, and have the ONE hope in Christ. Their hope is a "secondary" hope, resurrection hope. A hope from a partial God who refuses to open the door to heaven for them. THAT is my problem. I pray even though I had a running mouth today, that God used me to show genuine love and concern. That a seed of doubt and a seed of salvation were planted in their hearts and mind. It's only been 6 months and also already been 6 months.
LORD Jesus I believe in your perfect will in all of this. SHOW us what the next steps are. STrengthen us in our minds hearts and souls. We just want to show love for them and show them the so called "Christians" aren't that bad like they were taught. Grant us grace to persevere and help us to abide in You. also, Help the new prayer group to connect, carry each other's burdens, be transparent, and to glorify Your name. AMEN.
Today's meeting with M and S went all right. We had planned to go through chapter 4 of their little booklet "Who is Jesus Christ". When they came we started in the end of chapter 3 to "review". I somehow got into a position i don't think i had been before. Not for this long anyway. I talked for most of the hour. The question was something about Paradise Earth and the 144000. The thing is, they believe in a new earth which I too believe there will be a new heaven and a new earth. Fact is, I also believe I will be with God, fully reconciled to be in Heaven. But they don't. If you were "assigned" to be on the earth you will have a physical body and will be stuck on earth. But if you were "assigned" to be in heaven, you will have just a spirit... My problem isn't their theology. My problem is their salvation. I am bothered that they don't believe that once you believe in Jesus, you are His brother and "su casa es tu casa"!!!! You can dwell with God because it is not just God's Kingdom but your kingdom. They believe certain verses don't apply to them. Such as the wonderful phrases about seeing God's glory, being IN Christ Jesus, and have the ONE hope in Christ. Their hope is a "secondary" hope, resurrection hope. A hope from a partial God who refuses to open the door to heaven for them. THAT is my problem. I pray even though I had a running mouth today, that God used me to show genuine love and concern. That a seed of doubt and a seed of salvation were planted in their hearts and mind. It's only been 6 months and also already been 6 months.
LORD Jesus I believe in your perfect will in all of this. SHOW us what the next steps are. STrengthen us in our minds hearts and souls. We just want to show love for them and show them the so called "Christians" aren't that bad like they were taught. Grant us grace to persevere and help us to abide in You. also, Help the new prayer group to connect, carry each other's burdens, be transparent, and to glorify Your name. AMEN.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
He's raining on me
There is NO ONE who can throw me a better birthday celebration than my Creator. Almost 3 years ago in July, our family was in a valley similar to the one we were in these past few months. What else is Satan going to attack us for but in health, finance, relationships, and finally spiritual health?
Back in 2008, we had been in seminary for just over half a year. Phill was working 3 jobs to support the family, we hadn't had a tenant for our condo since we had left in november2007, i wasn't working, we felt called to try for the third baby, we were under God's mercy completely. We didn't have insurance at all and no held from the government. I never want anything for my birthday when phill or my parents asked, but God knew what I needed. On my birthday 2008, we found out we were pregnant, our friend found a tenant for our condo finally, and most of all, a random guy in the gym approached Phill to take over his seminar job that would pay for tuition! THAT was the best birthday ever!
Ups and downs in 2009 and 2010... attacks only when phill or i had ministry duties. But the huge attacks started half a year ago, with finances. It just got worse with the evaders in our property. Then our car and my dad with the JWs. We just KNEW we had to hang on. I spent my 30th birthday crying for my dad and didn't really celebrate it. My dad just wanted to be with us and that's totally fine. But i truly wasn't worried about my birthday. But again, God knew exactly what I needed for my birthday. He prepared me 5 months prior my dad's visit so He can outdo any gift ever to reach out to my dad for my birthday. He gave me the monitor i needed for the business path He has chosen for me in this season of life. And...... drumroll please, we just found out we have a buyer for our condo shortsale! which means, someone is willing to pay off our 1st and 2nd mortgage!!!!
LORD THANK YOU! BEST PRESENTS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know You watch over me and You take care of me. You are my Father and You know what is the best for me. I have NO DOUBT You are sovereign and that You have EVERYTHING in Your control. Help me to continually let go of everything and let You have control. Remind me that even when I have no resources, that You are the One with KINGDOM RESOURCES. GLORIOUS GLORIOUS GLORIOUS! It is true, PS23.... I LACK NOTHING. I shall NOT WANT. because You've got it. I don't have to plan it, I don't have to get it, I don't have to chase it force it buy it have it. YOU've GOt it. You have taught me to pray, sit and wait. Now help me to teach my kids to do the same. Help me to teach them let YOu write their stories. THANK YOU. AMEN.
Back in 2008, we had been in seminary for just over half a year. Phill was working 3 jobs to support the family, we hadn't had a tenant for our condo since we had left in november2007, i wasn't working, we felt called to try for the third baby, we were under God's mercy completely. We didn't have insurance at all and no held from the government. I never want anything for my birthday when phill or my parents asked, but God knew what I needed. On my birthday 2008, we found out we were pregnant, our friend found a tenant for our condo finally, and most of all, a random guy in the gym approached Phill to take over his seminar job that would pay for tuition! THAT was the best birthday ever!
Ups and downs in 2009 and 2010... attacks only when phill or i had ministry duties. But the huge attacks started half a year ago, with finances. It just got worse with the evaders in our property. Then our car and my dad with the JWs. We just KNEW we had to hang on. I spent my 30th birthday crying for my dad and didn't really celebrate it. My dad just wanted to be with us and that's totally fine. But i truly wasn't worried about my birthday. But again, God knew exactly what I needed for my birthday. He prepared me 5 months prior my dad's visit so He can outdo any gift ever to reach out to my dad for my birthday. He gave me the monitor i needed for the business path He has chosen for me in this season of life. And...... drumroll please, we just found out we have a buyer for our condo shortsale! which means, someone is willing to pay off our 1st and 2nd mortgage!!!!
LORD THANK YOU! BEST PRESENTS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know You watch over me and You take care of me. You are my Father and You know what is the best for me. I have NO DOUBT You are sovereign and that You have EVERYTHING in Your control. Help me to continually let go of everything and let You have control. Remind me that even when I have no resources, that You are the One with KINGDOM RESOURCES. GLORIOUS GLORIOUS GLORIOUS! It is true, PS23.... I LACK NOTHING. I shall NOT WANT. because You've got it. I don't have to plan it, I don't have to get it, I don't have to chase it force it buy it have it. YOU've GOt it. You have taught me to pray, sit and wait. Now help me to teach my kids to do the same. Help me to teach them let YOu write their stories. THANK YOU. AMEN.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
as y'all know, we have surrendered everything we are to God including financial security. He IS our security. we believe He is sovereign, and is our Provider. He is the Creator and therefore has all the resources we need. since the condo incident with our evading "friends", we have been really tight on the finance side of things. phill had actually sat me down and told me to send all 3 kids to school and work full time again. i begged him and God to give me a chance to use my gifts to do something where i could stay home and be with the kids. that's how ElevenOnePhotography got started.
again just as God prepared me to face my dad 5 months prior to his visit, God prepared me for this adventure. He gave me a passion to take pictures, a husband who owns and knows how to use photoshop, and is willing to invest in any gifts he sees in me. So in Dec, phill bought me a 2nd hand Canon. So... I take pictures. Tons of them. I learn to use photoshop, without knowing i'd NEED this skill now.
So a few weeks ago, when phill told me about going back to work, i thought, what can i do so i don't have to be a full time career woman again??? and it dawned on me, God has been equipping me step by step. Back in Feb, i was editing some pictures, and my screen kept going bad and phill had to bang the monitor or fix the cable, i pleaded with God for a new monitor. i really did. i said, "please LORD, if this is the path You have provided for our family, i need the equipment to do so."
In May, phill found this samsung monitor out in a dumpster with cracks all over the place. He brought it in and was so excited about it. i moaned and said, we do NOT need any broken down electronics in the house! get rid of it. phill calmly said to me, let me check the info on this monitor. i might be able to fix it or send it to a warehouse to fix it. and so, he did.
Today, this afternoon, the monitor was shipped back to us from Samsung. it's a flat screen 22" monitor that can also be used as a TV. it still has a crack on the top corner, but IT WORKS! i am looking at it right now! and the only money we had to spend was $10 on shipping! PRAISE GOD!!!!! :)
LORD, You're so good to me and my family. Thank You for looking out for me and taking care of me. Help us to rely on you continually. Let me glorify You with my life gifts skills speech etc. May You bless my ministries and provide for us. AMEN.
again just as God prepared me to face my dad 5 months prior to his visit, God prepared me for this adventure. He gave me a passion to take pictures, a husband who owns and knows how to use photoshop, and is willing to invest in any gifts he sees in me. So in Dec, phill bought me a 2nd hand Canon. So... I take pictures. Tons of them. I learn to use photoshop, without knowing i'd NEED this skill now.
So a few weeks ago, when phill told me about going back to work, i thought, what can i do so i don't have to be a full time career woman again??? and it dawned on me, God has been equipping me step by step. Back in Feb, i was editing some pictures, and my screen kept going bad and phill had to bang the monitor or fix the cable, i pleaded with God for a new monitor. i really did. i said, "please LORD, if this is the path You have provided for our family, i need the equipment to do so."
In May, phill found this samsung monitor out in a dumpster with cracks all over the place. He brought it in and was so excited about it. i moaned and said, we do NOT need any broken down electronics in the house! get rid of it. phill calmly said to me, let me check the info on this monitor. i might be able to fix it or send it to a warehouse to fix it. and so, he did.
Today, this afternoon, the monitor was shipped back to us from Samsung. it's a flat screen 22" monitor that can also be used as a TV. it still has a crack on the top corner, but IT WORKS! i am looking at it right now! and the only money we had to spend was $10 on shipping! PRAISE GOD!!!!! :)
LORD, You're so good to me and my family. Thank You for looking out for me and taking care of me. Help us to rely on you continually. Let me glorify You with my life gifts skills speech etc. May You bless my ministries and provide for us. AMEN.
Monday, July 18, 2011
feeling like samson
it's been an eventful few weeks with inlaws visiting and just this past weekend my dad and my brother were here from florida. if i hadn't shared before this, my grandmother, my dad's mom, has been a jehovah's witness for more than 40 years. actually, that was a big reason for me to have invited M and S to come study every Monday for 5 months now. If my grandma knocked on an evangelical Christian's door, i would've wanted him or her to have talked to my grandma or at least not slam the door on her face, affirming the hostility and "persecution" she suffered. jenn abbie and i have gone through ups and downs with M and S, persevering through it, getting frustrated, getting mad, getting headaches, doing tons of research, etc etc. all we knew was that God has opened a door and no one can close it.
skipping 5 months forward to last Monday, since we had found tons of discrepancies in a WT booklet M and S gave us, a thought came to me while i was on the phone with jenn. why don't i ask my dad to see if he could get some WT literature for us from grandma? so, that's exactly what i did.
thursday, dad and brother arrived. they emptied their goody bags for the kiddos and gave me a stack of WT booklets. i said thanks, we could really use these. how did you get them from grandma? dad said, oh well she gave me some but also the man i've been meeting with gave me some.
here i am, trying to stay very calm so i don't explode. long story short, the first night i was very upset and mad at the Devil, then Friday (my 30th bday) night, i cried to God from 3-5am, He gave me Isaiah 61. that's when i confessed that i truly did not feel like samuel but samson instead. He calmed me and told me it's ok, He used Samson anyways.
i was also ashamed how i thought for the whole time that i was being obedient to His open doors for the jehovah witnesses, but He actually was going before me because He loves and is chasing after my dad. Sat and Sun I was an emotional time bomb. I cried waking up, cried in the shower, cried when i prayed, cried when i worshiped, got choked up when i talked to friends or fb or texted...
so sunday evening, i was gearing up for a good talk before he got on the plane the next morning. he stood up from our living room conversation at 9 saying, well it's time for bed. as you can imagine, i was shocked and felt totally helpless. i stared at phill while we walked them to the bathroom area. dad asked phill if he wanted to take a shower first, he was polite and said, no you go right ahead. we walked defeated back to the couch, and i hit phill on his shoulder.
"why didn't you say yes?"
"cuz he wanted to take a shower"
"but if you did, i'll have a chance to talk to him again"
"i've talked to him, pastor frank talked to him, don't overdo it"
"but it's my dad. (tears)"
"i just don't want to make him feel forced"
"5months of equipping us and a few days with him. i'll listen to you. you are the spiritual leader of the household. if you say it's enough i will let it go and cry a lot, if not, we have to talk to him"
"well there's a part of me....."
dad suddenly shows up at the hallway holding a towel asking phill again, hey phill r u sure you don't want to take a shower first?
phill walked up to him and said, as a matter of fact, yes. i will a quick shower.
dad, a little surprised, walked over and sat down. phill looked at me and i stared at him in amazement with God's goodness. as soon as phill walked away, dad said, "hey what's wrong? why do you look so sad?" and you know, when people ask you why you are sad, all you do is bawl. so... that's what i did. i bawled for so long, he kept saying it's ok, you can tell daddy anything.
well short version is, i confessed to him that the waiting on God and praying and pleading for his life is hard. i also told him that him meeting with the JW was very disturbing and he quickly promised he will never meet with that guy ever again. he was surprised to hear that the core theology of WT teaches that Jesus was made and is Michael the Archangel, that only 144000 get to go to heaven, and that you cannot use aluminum for cooking etc etc. he told me not to worry about his salvation because he doesn't want me to cry anymore. but of course, i had to say it's not possible ever since God has given me His love for him. I told him the function of Jesus is such as this: when i die and stand before God. God will declare me guilty. God will declare all of us guilty. but because i received Jesus to be my lawyer and savior and Lord, He stands before God and defends me. it was generally a great conversation that allowed us to show God's love for him and understand why he couldn't decide which religion is true.
This morning, i cried again. i had to share with the kids as they jumped on my bed and kissed me. they had been praying hard for their grandpa too. isaac and esther went on playing while i cried but abigail, she came and hugged me, held onto my neck as i cried, she asked questions, we prayed. i told her, if you want stories like these in your life, all you have to do is obey God. let Him write your stories and you will have amazing stories like these to tell others.
Father God, You are SO good to me, my family, and my daddy. I praise you and I thank You for being sovereign, being strong when i wasn't, faithful when i lost faith, sustaining me while i was broken, leading me when i was lost, and anointing me when it was time. You are an AMAZING God who is living and breathing. Help me never to put you in a box, but to seek your path and follow it even when it doesn't make any sense. You surprise me and overwhelm me. You have reached down to me and now so obviously too reaching down to my father. Help me to remember that You are also reaching down to my kids with the same zeal and fervor. You, are a wonderful God. Give me grace to continually lay down all I have and all I am. AMEN.
Conversations with my God,
jehovah witness,
Friday, July 8, 2011
Genderless classrooms....?!
"Have you heard about the recent report from Sweden about the staff of a preschool no longer using pronouns like "he" or "she" when referring to students? It's another example of what happens when marriage is redefined to include same-sex couples.
The preschool's approach to gender is a reflection of Sweden's national school curriculum that includes the mission of breaking down gender roles. For example, when playing "house," teachers suggest students role play with two or three taking the role of "mom."
These attempts at social engineering—impacting kids directly—aren't just happening overseas. An Oakland elementary school recently spent two days on "Gender Spectrum Diversity Training." Their reading list for second and third graders includes My Princess Boy and 10,000 Dresses, in which boy characters wear tiaras and magical dresses."
nothing more to say...... LORD have mercy on us and our next generations to come.
"Have you heard about the recent report from Sweden about the staff of a preschool no longer using pronouns like "he" or "she" when referring to students? It's another example of what happens when marriage is redefined to include same-sex couples.
The preschool's approach to gender is a reflection of Sweden's national school curriculum that includes the mission of breaking down gender roles. For example, when playing "house," teachers suggest students role play with two or three taking the role of "mom."
These attempts at social engineering—impacting kids directly—aren't just happening overseas. An Oakland elementary school recently spent two days on "Gender Spectrum Diversity Training." Their reading list for second and third graders includes My Princess Boy and 10,000 Dresses, in which boy characters wear tiaras and magical dresses."
nothing more to say...... LORD have mercy on us and our next generations to come.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Isaac's 4 tomorrow!
Im so proud of my little boy! God has gifted him in so many ways and has blessed him with so much. He is going to be like his daddy, a godly man after God's own heart. A few weeks ago, he was out at the clothes line with me helping me with laundry, ......
I asked him: what do you want to be when you grow up?
Isaac: I wanna be a firefighter.... and I want to build a house on the solid rock.
Me: Yeah? That's great. I am so glad to hear.
Isaac: Yes, and I want Abigail to build her house right next to mine.
Me: Why?
Isaac: because I love her. I love both of my sisters so much.
Me: Awww! you are one sweet boy.
Isaac: And I want your house to be next to mine too. So we can be close together.
Me: I want you to be close too! But what if your wife wants to live close to her parents which is far away?
Isaac: then I will give her the directions for her to drive there.
Me: but what if she wants to move close to her parents?
Isaac: mommy, if she wasn't a godly wife i wouldn't have married her.
To me, that was one of the deepest conversations I had with him. He has learned that a wife is to be submissive to her husband. Now when he is married, his number priority might be different and would not be to live close to us. But in his little mind, he knows that his responsibility is to make the big decisions and to lead his family with godliness. He blows my mind! And I thank You God for continuing to mold him and teach him through life, us, his sisters, and Your word.
Another conversation happened today when I rocked him at bedtime. (no i don't rock my kids to sleep still. the kids just take turns being "questioned" every night hahaha) anyway, he told me he was bullied at VBS. when i picked them up from VBS, abigail had told me she played with him which was weird because they were in different classes. as the story unfolds, i found out she was the only one brought out of her class for a little to play with isaac who was supposedly grouchy. the grouchiness came from the bullying. he told me the kids didn't want to play with him. so of course, i asked him if he took turns, if he tried to share, if he asked to play, if he did this or that... he basically said he would go to kids and they would turn around and play somewhere else! he told phill that he was "left alone". : ( what else could i feel but sad and heart broken? anyway i told him i know how he feels because i grew up in that environment where classmates bullied and didn't want to play with me. and i also told him that Jesus knows how he feels because after Judas gave him a kiss, all of His friends ran away and He suffered and died alone. Isaac is a good sport, still smiling as we talked. but he admitted he was sad. i told him he has to believe God is sovereign, that He has allowed this to happen so that he can share in Jesus' sufferings and so he would have compassion on other kids when they are "left alone".
I don't know why he was "left alone" but I do know that God uses everything to draw us close to Him. I know teaching Isaac all this will make an eternal difference in his life. I, too, have to believe that God is sovereign and has allowed this in his life. It's gonna be okay.
So.... I told him tomorrow is a new day, thanked Abigail for being a loving big sister, and kissed them good night. We have a week of celebrations planned for his birthday and we can't wait!!!
I asked him: what do you want to be when you grow up?
Isaac: I wanna be a firefighter.... and I want to build a house on the solid rock.
Me: Yeah? That's great. I am so glad to hear.
Isaac: Yes, and I want Abigail to build her house right next to mine.
Me: Why?
Isaac: because I love her. I love both of my sisters so much.
Me: Awww! you are one sweet boy.
Isaac: And I want your house to be next to mine too. So we can be close together.
Me: I want you to be close too! But what if your wife wants to live close to her parents which is far away?
Isaac: then I will give her the directions for her to drive there.
Me: but what if she wants to move close to her parents?
Isaac: mommy, if she wasn't a godly wife i wouldn't have married her.
To me, that was one of the deepest conversations I had with him. He has learned that a wife is to be submissive to her husband. Now when he is married, his number priority might be different and would not be to live close to us. But in his little mind, he knows that his responsibility is to make the big decisions and to lead his family with godliness. He blows my mind! And I thank You God for continuing to mold him and teach him through life, us, his sisters, and Your word.
Another conversation happened today when I rocked him at bedtime. (no i don't rock my kids to sleep still. the kids just take turns being "questioned" every night hahaha) anyway, he told me he was bullied at VBS. when i picked them up from VBS, abigail had told me she played with him which was weird because they were in different classes. as the story unfolds, i found out she was the only one brought out of her class for a little to play with isaac who was supposedly grouchy. the grouchiness came from the bullying. he told me the kids didn't want to play with him. so of course, i asked him if he took turns, if he tried to share, if he asked to play, if he did this or that... he basically said he would go to kids and they would turn around and play somewhere else! he told phill that he was "left alone". : ( what else could i feel but sad and heart broken? anyway i told him i know how he feels because i grew up in that environment where classmates bullied and didn't want to play with me. and i also told him that Jesus knows how he feels because after Judas gave him a kiss, all of His friends ran away and He suffered and died alone. Isaac is a good sport, still smiling as we talked. but he admitted he was sad. i told him he has to believe God is sovereign, that He has allowed this to happen so that he can share in Jesus' sufferings and so he would have compassion on other kids when they are "left alone".
I don't know why he was "left alone" but I do know that God uses everything to draw us close to Him. I know teaching Isaac all this will make an eternal difference in his life. I, too, have to believe that God is sovereign and has allowed this in his life. It's gonna be okay.
So.... I told him tomorrow is a new day, thanked Abigail for being a loving big sister, and kissed them good night. We have a week of celebrations planned for his birthday and we can't wait!!!
LORD, thank You for blessing us with Isaac. He is full of love, sweetness, kindness, generosity, righteousness, mischief, energy, talent, boy-ness, ideas, and questions! You have made him, he is Yours, continue to grow him, mold him, teach him, love him, protect him, and humble him through everyone and everything. May Your will be done in his life. In Your name I pray AMEN.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
busy summer 2011
with Phill's speaking engagement drawing near, 2 Corinthians 4 has been the passage I run to. Life has been nuts! Like a roller coaster.
First our condo and tenant.... still ongoing battle. Then our car has problems everything has been changed from air filter, fluids, fuses, tires, and today, we went to sams to get the tires rotated because TCS was lit up on the dashboard, sams broke a lug nut!!! it will cost a lot to replace whatever they should responsible for but will never own up to. then last night, i found a lump on phill's back... that's never good, so he's gonna get it checked on monday. and i got defriended over corn on FB. just because im a follower of Christ i believe. and these are just big events, i will not even go into the little events.
it's only the beginning of june. the retreat in san antonio is still 2 months away. Lord, if i didn't believe all this happens under Your umbrella, i would seriously scream! but please have mercy on us Lord. protect our children and us as we are committed to what You have called us to do! provide for us continually and give us peace through Your Son, the Word. help us to be diligent in chasing after You, sustain us as we get weak and tired. remind us to pray diligently with specific requests, a list to lift up as Hezekiah did when his kingdom was attacked by the Assyrians. i need Your help to be a godly woman, wife and mother. continue to reveal my sins and my shortcomings. transform me without reserve. i have no remorse in following You forever. let me suffer and hurt and make difficult decisions. but i will continue to chase after You and do Your will.
First our condo and tenant.... still ongoing battle. Then our car has problems everything has been changed from air filter, fluids, fuses, tires, and today, we went to sams to get the tires rotated because TCS was lit up on the dashboard, sams broke a lug nut!!! it will cost a lot to replace whatever they should responsible for but will never own up to. then last night, i found a lump on phill's back... that's never good, so he's gonna get it checked on monday. and i got defriended over corn on FB. just because im a follower of Christ i believe. and these are just big events, i will not even go into the little events.
it's only the beginning of june. the retreat in san antonio is still 2 months away. Lord, if i didn't believe all this happens under Your umbrella, i would seriously scream! but please have mercy on us Lord. protect our children and us as we are committed to what You have called us to do! provide for us continually and give us peace through Your Son, the Word. help us to be diligent in chasing after You, sustain us as we get weak and tired. remind us to pray diligently with specific requests, a list to lift up as Hezekiah did when his kingdom was attacked by the Assyrians. i need Your help to be a godly woman, wife and mother. continue to reveal my sins and my shortcomings. transform me without reserve. i have no remorse in following You forever. let me suffer and hurt and make difficult decisions. but i will continue to chase after You and do Your will.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
funny funny
you had to be there:
isaac points to a big blanket - "this is a blanky"... points to a small blanket - "but this is a blanky boo... because it's not big. it's small".. points to another small one -"this is a blanky boo too because it's small like the other one."
esther points to my chin - "chin" then my eyes - "eyes...." then she pauses... "your eyes are big... one two fee five seven..."
hahahaha should i be concerned???? she so funny
isaac points to a big blanket - "this is a blanky"... points to a small blanket - "but this is a blanky boo... because it's not big. it's small".. points to another small one -"this is a blanky boo too because it's small like the other one."
esther points to my chin - "chin" then my eyes - "eyes...." then she pauses... "your eyes are big... one two fee five seven..."
hahahaha should i be concerned???? she so funny
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
JW update
Yesterday was weird. Jennifer and Abbi came over early to help cook lunch and pray. The weather was good so the kids were great. Just as we finished praying, M and S showed up at the door.
Going back to the night before they visited... I prayed and pleaded with the LORD, and after I blogged, I felt led to look for another website that would give more insight to sharing the gospel with JWs. I found this. I was 1. excited 2. found guilty 3. encouraged. I was so excited because I knew there is hope in our God who reaches these people. I was found guilty because there were some things we knew not to do and had fallen into doing... like discussing doctrine. I was SO encouraged because the website says persevere.
See, the JWs might seem intimidating to us because they seem like they know what they are talking about and have answers for every single bible verse or doctrinal issue. What we have forgotten was that these JWs are NOT believers NOR are they doctrinally trained. They just spit out what they were taught!!! They were brainwashed into not thinking for themselves by the watchtower organization!!! So, that's why the most important things to do, are 1. pray for them by name 2. love them 3. plant a seed of doubt for the watch tower.
After I formed these thoughts in my mind, I now had another challenge. We have been meeting for 7 weeks! How do we undo these things we have already done, and ask for a new beginning???? Well, God had a plan as always because He is a good GOD.
We invited them in and as they sat down, the first thing we noticed was that they didn't start right away and didn't offer to pray. Instead, M said, "well this is going to be a short visit because we just don't feel like this study is going anywhere." It was like a punch in the face! We were all weird-ed out and didn't say anything as they explained. S said, "It's too bad because we really like you. But....Well, this is very out of the ordinary. We usually do these studies one on one and we go through our books. And after talking to a sister, we think our study is everywhere and is not fruitful. If any of you would like to continue, we will study with you one on one."..... awkward silence for about 5 seconds..... So, I said, "well we actually talked about this and agreed on sticking to your book. we also think that we are just everywhere and not focused. we all read chapter 1 and have questions for you." (We are planning to take the book apart and plant seeds of doubt in them about the Watchtower as much as God allows)
From there, we started talking about their book. We all felt God saying to wait whenever we wanted to go in deeper. We had little question. At around 11:45, i invited everyone to eat. so we ate, talked and M said, "I'm so glad you have decided to study our book." I am waiting and waiting for that moment still to plant that seed..... S said, " yes me too. We all have to keep learning because there are so many religions out there. My brother is a muslim and we are JW... and if we don't keep studying, we will not be able to discern the Word of God." DING DING DING!!!!! ( I know that muslims can't question their faith or their Imams) So I said, "Me too. I love being a Christian. I have a lot of muslim friends and I know they aren't even allowed to question their faith or their teachers. Our God is so good and we can doubt Him, question Him be mad at Him, and He will always reveal Himself through the Word and the Holy Spirit. Even Job (the book we discussed with them) questioned God and God was gracious towards him.......etc" JWs can't question the organization or their teachers... I have been praying that God will somehow use that to plant that seed.
God you are SO GOOD to us and to M and s. You ARE slow to anger and abounding in love. Continue to use us and help us to plant the seeds of doubt in M and S. Help us to show love toward them and show them that You are a different God than the one they claim to worship. Reveal Yourself through us and our testimonies. AMEN.
Going back to the night before they visited... I prayed and pleaded with the LORD, and after I blogged, I felt led to look for another website that would give more insight to sharing the gospel with JWs. I found this. I was 1. excited 2. found guilty 3. encouraged. I was so excited because I knew there is hope in our God who reaches these people. I was found guilty because there were some things we knew not to do and had fallen into doing... like discussing doctrine. I was SO encouraged because the website says persevere.
See, the JWs might seem intimidating to us because they seem like they know what they are talking about and have answers for every single bible verse or doctrinal issue. What we have forgotten was that these JWs are NOT believers NOR are they doctrinally trained. They just spit out what they were taught!!! They were brainwashed into not thinking for themselves by the watchtower organization!!! So, that's why the most important things to do, are 1. pray for them by name 2. love them 3. plant a seed of doubt for the watch tower.
After I formed these thoughts in my mind, I now had another challenge. We have been meeting for 7 weeks! How do we undo these things we have already done, and ask for a new beginning???? Well, God had a plan as always because He is a good GOD.
We invited them in and as they sat down, the first thing we noticed was that they didn't start right away and didn't offer to pray. Instead, M said, "well this is going to be a short visit because we just don't feel like this study is going anywhere." It was like a punch in the face! We were all weird-ed out and didn't say anything as they explained. S said, "It's too bad because we really like you. But....Well, this is very out of the ordinary. We usually do these studies one on one and we go through our books. And after talking to a sister, we think our study is everywhere and is not fruitful. If any of you would like to continue, we will study with you one on one."..... awkward silence for about 5 seconds..... So, I said, "well we actually talked about this and agreed on sticking to your book. we also think that we are just everywhere and not focused. we all read chapter 1 and have questions for you." (We are planning to take the book apart and plant seeds of doubt in them about the Watchtower as much as God allows)
From there, we started talking about their book. We all felt God saying to wait whenever we wanted to go in deeper. We had little question. At around 11:45, i invited everyone to eat. so we ate, talked and M said, "I'm so glad you have decided to study our book." I am waiting and waiting for that moment still to plant that seed..... S said, " yes me too. We all have to keep learning because there are so many religions out there. My brother is a muslim and we are JW... and if we don't keep studying, we will not be able to discern the Word of God." DING DING DING!!!!! ( I know that muslims can't question their faith or their Imams) So I said, "Me too. I love being a Christian. I have a lot of muslim friends and I know they aren't even allowed to question their faith or their teachers. Our God is so good and we can doubt Him, question Him be mad at Him, and He will always reveal Himself through the Word and the Holy Spirit. Even Job (the book we discussed with them) questioned God and God was gracious towards him.......etc" JWs can't question the organization or their teachers... I have been praying that God will somehow use that to plant that seed.
God you are SO GOOD to us and to M and s. You ARE slow to anger and abounding in love. Continue to use us and help us to plant the seeds of doubt in M and S. Help us to show love toward them and show them that You are a different God than the one they claim to worship. Reveal Yourself through us and our testimonies. AMEN.
Conversations with my God,
jehovah witness,
Monday, May 9, 2011
daddyvotional 5 :)
My kids were so funny!! Thanks Honey!
fast forward to 3:23 for the kids' video for mother's day!
my answers: 1. sushi 2. mango 3. 29 4. trampoline or swimming 5. yellow 6. to smell - gardenias or to look at - tulips.
fast forward to 3:23 for the kids' video for mother's day!
my answers: 1. sushi 2. mango 3. 29 4. trampoline or swimming 5. yellow 6. to smell - gardenias or to look at - tulips.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Im taking notes on the JW book and getting distracted and discouraged. Im tired and I feel like I have better things to do. How do you show love and truth to these people who were led astray? The Holy Spirit opens their eyes, but we have no idea how long we have. That's the hard part for me. Oh LORD, My God!! I need You. I have no strength left inside of me. I am downtrodden and have nowhere to turn. Guard this house, my heart, my head, my children, my friends, my marriage. I need Your angels at each door post of this house. Do not let any demonic activity into the house and we claim victory of M and S. LORD, heal them of their misled hearts and minds. Help us love them and not be annoyed and frustrated especially when we revisit each misunderstood passage. Open our eyes and ears to the Holy Spirit. Open our hearts and minds to Your Word. Help us to stay on course. Teach me how to stay connected with you during such event. Please build a wall of fire around this place and rescue us from the Evil one. I thank You for being here for us. I thank You for going before us in battle. Help us to remember that. Help us to be in tune with You. I love you LORD. AMEN.
Conversations with my God,
jehovah witness,
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
A Call to Perseverance
Ephesians 6:10-20
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.
This Monday was the toughest bible study we've had with M and S. It was just Jennifer and I cuz Abbie was out of town. It was a combination of different things 1. rainy day-8kids indoors 2. didn't have abbie 3. prayers were cut short because we didn't start early enough before they got here 4. they were re claiming the group by bringing their little booklet back on the table.....
We were totally caught of guard both physically and spiritually - a lesson for us to learn. We are planning to rip that book apart one chapter at a time. God will always have enough grace for us and turn "bad" things into good. We have to persevere and suck it up and keep on moving forward. He opened the door and He will be the one to close it whenever and however He chooses.
LORD, forgive us for not planning well and for being distracted. Forgive me for being so distracted this week. Help us reclaim M and S for you. Guide us to those scriptures that will cut through their souls. And Lord, we are tired and discouraged but Your strength will sustain us. We will live according to Your promises knowing that You love us and will complete Your work in us as we persevere, struggle, wrestle, pray, learn, and stand firm. Help me to focus on You and may the Holy Spirit continue to shine through me. AMEN.
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace. In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one; and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints, and also for me, that words may be given to me in opening my mouth boldly to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which I am an ambassador in chains, that I may declare it boldly, as I ought to speak.
This Monday was the toughest bible study we've had with M and S. It was just Jennifer and I cuz Abbie was out of town. It was a combination of different things 1. rainy day-8kids indoors 2. didn't have abbie 3. prayers were cut short because we didn't start early enough before they got here 4. they were re claiming the group by bringing their little booklet back on the table.....
We were totally caught of guard both physically and spiritually - a lesson for us to learn. We are planning to rip that book apart one chapter at a time. God will always have enough grace for us and turn "bad" things into good. We have to persevere and suck it up and keep on moving forward. He opened the door and He will be the one to close it whenever and however He chooses.
LORD, forgive us for not planning well and for being distracted. Forgive me for being so distracted this week. Help us reclaim M and S for you. Guide us to those scriptures that will cut through their souls. And Lord, we are tired and discouraged but Your strength will sustain us. We will live according to Your promises knowing that You love us and will complete Your work in us as we persevere, struggle, wrestle, pray, learn, and stand firm. Help me to focus on You and may the Holy Spirit continue to shine through me. AMEN.
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
JW update
This past Monday my internet was down so i couldn't recruit anyone on FB to pray. But I know there are a team of people who were praying. We had our husbands who were praying. We prayed before they got there. We often feel unprepared mostly because 8 kids are running around and we are frazzled. But God always shows up when we call. From the start, we have wanted them to feel like they are still in control of the bible study so we are very prayerful as to what to suggest or say or do. Well, this week, we prayerfully invited them to lunch after our bible study next Monday. We always try to be hospitable and friendly when they get here. We talk about our weekends, kids, haircuts.... etc, to build a genuine relationship, but we all felt that just wasn't enough. We want to show them we truly truly care about them and love them outside of the bible study. This is one small step we have taken to do that. I really feel like because we have a team of 3, they are not as quick to go because they never know who they are really reaching or targeting. Even if they really just want to win me over, they'd have to take on all 3 of us. And I have found, that even though we have very very tough questions, place doubts in them, and are honest with our statement of beliefs, they are willing to research and even spread out the job of researching to us. And at some points of our time on these Mondays, we do get heated conversations, but God always helps us wiggle free and breathe. And somehow, they just keep on coming back. I believe it has been 6 weeks maybe 7, Praise be to God.
I know a lot of the more conservative believers don't agree with me opening my home to these ladies. And I get that blank stare and awkward silence when I have to explain what we are praying for on Mondays especially when I post it discreetly on FB.... I understand where everyone is coming from and their concerns. But God has surely opened a door that we couldn't have opened ourselves! Knowing that my own grandma has fallen into that belief, I could not stand by and watch them continue. Isn't that what Jesus' love is like? Seeing us fall into sin and getting stuck in eternal separation from Him, He just couldn't stand by and watch us continue! Sin and death are ugly and disgusting. They shall not triumph over He who is greater than all things in anyone's life. I don't know what He has planned for us or for M and S but I do know He has allowed us to reach them and love them. He has a grand view of what is going on and I just want to do my part. I don't know how long this is going to last but I do know this might change them eternally.
LORD Almighty, You are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, blessed be Your name! You are the One true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I declare this truth in M, S, and my grandma's lives. Rescue them from the bondage of this false religion. God, help me to stand firm in Your truth. Continue to give me a contrite and pure heart. I want to love them with Your perfect love and Your broken heart. I want to yearn for them to return just as You yearn for them. Give me strength, patience, perseverance, and faith in this ministry. We cannot do it without You. Penetrate their minds, hearts, souls, and bodies. Let them know who You are! Reveal Yourself to them through Your word and Holy Spirit. You are able to do everything and nothing is impossible for You. Help us remember this and continue on this journey knowing that You have gone before us and are on our side. Continue to give me a heart for my mom, and prepare my dad's heart as he comes this summer. Break through it and prepare it. In Your Son's holy name I present my case, AMEN.
I know a lot of the more conservative believers don't agree with me opening my home to these ladies. And I get that blank stare and awkward silence when I have to explain what we are praying for on Mondays especially when I post it discreetly on FB.... I understand where everyone is coming from and their concerns. But God has surely opened a door that we couldn't have opened ourselves! Knowing that my own grandma has fallen into that belief, I could not stand by and watch them continue. Isn't that what Jesus' love is like? Seeing us fall into sin and getting stuck in eternal separation from Him, He just couldn't stand by and watch us continue! Sin and death are ugly and disgusting. They shall not triumph over He who is greater than all things in anyone's life. I don't know what He has planned for us or for M and S but I do know He has allowed us to reach them and love them. He has a grand view of what is going on and I just want to do my part. I don't know how long this is going to last but I do know this might change them eternally.
LORD Almighty, You are the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, blessed be Your name! You are the One true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. I declare this truth in M, S, and my grandma's lives. Rescue them from the bondage of this false religion. God, help me to stand firm in Your truth. Continue to give me a contrite and pure heart. I want to love them with Your perfect love and Your broken heart. I want to yearn for them to return just as You yearn for them. Give me strength, patience, perseverance, and faith in this ministry. We cannot do it without You. Penetrate their minds, hearts, souls, and bodies. Let them know who You are! Reveal Yourself to them through Your word and Holy Spirit. You are able to do everything and nothing is impossible for You. Help us remember this and continue on this journey knowing that You have gone before us and are on our side. Continue to give me a heart for my mom, and prepare my dad's heart as he comes this summer. Break through it and prepare it. In Your Son's holy name I present my case, AMEN.
Conversations with my God,
jehovah witness,
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Golgotha - The Skull
1 Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. 2 The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in a purple robe 3 and went up to him again and again, saying, “Hail, king of the Jews!” And they slapped him in the face. 4 Once more Pilate came out and said to the Jews gathered there, “Look, I am bringing him out to you to let you know that I find no basis for a charge against him.” 5 When Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe, Pilate said to them, “Here is the man!” 6 As soon as the chief priests and their officials saw him, they shouted, “Crucify! Crucify!” But Pilate answered, “You take him and crucify him. As for me, I find no basis for a charge against him.” 7 The Jewish leaders insisted, “We have a law, and according to that law he must die, because he claimed to be the Son of God.” 89 and he went back inside the palace. “Where do you come from?” he asked Jesus, but Jesus gave him no answer. 10 “Do you refuse to speak to me?” Pilate said. “Don’t you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?” 11 Jesus answered, When Pilate heard this, he was even more afraid, “You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin.” 12 From then on, Pilate tried to set Jesus free, but the Jewish leaders kept shouting, “If you let this man go, you are no friend of Caesar. Anyone who claims to be a king opposes Caesar.” 13 When Pilate heard this, he brought Jesus out and sat down on the judge’s seat at a place known as the Stone Pavement (which in Aramaic is Gabbatha). 14 It was the day of Preparation of the Passover; it was about noon. “Here is your king,” Pilate said to the Jews. 15 But they shouted, “Take him away! Take him away! Crucify him!” “Shall I crucify your king?” Pilate asked. “We have no king but Caesar,” the chief priests answered. 1617 Carrying his own cross, he went out to the place of the Skull (which in Aramaic is called Golgotha). 18 There they crucified him, and with him two others—one on each side and Jesus in the middle. 19 Pilate had a notice prepared and fastened to the cross. It read: JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE KING OF THE JEWS. 20 Many of the Jews read this sign, for the place where Jesus was crucified was near the city, and the sign was written in Aramaic, Latin and Greek. 21 The chief priests of the Jews protested to Pilate, “Do not write ‘The King of the Jews,’ but that this man claimed to be king of the Jews.” 22 Pilate answered, “What I have written, I have written.” 23 When the soldiers crucified Jesus, they took his clothes, dividing them into four shares, one for each of them, with the undergarment remaining. This garment was seamless, woven in one piece from top to bottom. 24 “Let’s not tear it,” they said to one another. “Let’s decide by lot who will get it.” This happened that the scripture might be fulfilled that said, “They divided my clothes among them
and cast lots for my garment.” So this is what the soldiers did. 25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. “Woman, here is your son,” 27 and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. 28 Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” 29 A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (John 19, New International Version, ©2011)

and cast lots for my garment.” So this is what the soldiers did. 25 Near the cross of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. 26 When Jesus saw his mother there, and the disciple whom he loved standing nearby, he said to her, Finally Pilate handed him over to them to be crucified. So the soldiers took charge of Jesus. “Woman, here is your son,” 27 and to the disciple, “Here is your mother.” From that time on, this disciple took her into his home. 28 Later, knowing that everything had now been finished, and so that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus said, “I am thirsty.” 29 A jar of wine vinegar was there, so they soaked a sponge in it, put the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and lifted it to Jesus’ lips. 30 When he had received the drink, Jesus said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. (John 19, New International Version, ©2011)
Abigail spent 2 hours building her "castle." But what she doesn't know is what God can do with the gifts He gave her. She might have meant for it to be a castle, but God meant it for something else. May her hands be anointed to glorify Him and to preach the good news to all. I can't wait to see what she will be and how she will glorify God with her gifts as she grows in her faith, wisdom, and age.
Lord God, thank You for your sacrifice and thank You for the hope You gave us by Your resurrection. May You continue to expand Your Kingdom and establish Your Kingship in our hearts and in this family. We confess our sins as imperfect parents. You know I have anger issues, idleness in some areas of my life, a prideful heart, and selfish ambitions. Please continue to transform those areas and may the Holy Spirit continue to consume me from the inside out. I also ask for Your mercies as we raise our children. I will say it again, they are Yours. Help us to continue giving and dedicating them unto You. Thank You that You have great and awesome plans for our children and that Your plans for them will always surpass our plans for them. Thank You for Your promises to extend Your mercy to the generations. Please help us LORD to build this legacy to surrender all unto Jesus and to declare Your LORDship over this family line. We will continue to put Your blood over our door posts and teach our children to do so. By Your mercy and grace, we are victors over death and sin. In Jesus' awesome name. AMEN.
Lord God, thank You for your sacrifice and thank You for the hope You gave us by Your resurrection. May You continue to expand Your Kingdom and establish Your Kingship in our hearts and in this family. We confess our sins as imperfect parents. You know I have anger issues, idleness in some areas of my life, a prideful heart, and selfish ambitions. Please continue to transform those areas and may the Holy Spirit continue to consume me from the inside out. I also ask for Your mercies as we raise our children. I will say it again, they are Yours. Help us to continue giving and dedicating them unto You. Thank You that You have great and awesome plans for our children and that Your plans for them will always surpass our plans for them. Thank You for Your promises to extend Your mercy to the generations. Please help us LORD to build this legacy to surrender all unto Jesus and to declare Your LORDship over this family line. We will continue to put Your blood over our door posts and teach our children to do so. By Your mercy and grace, we are victors over death and sin. In Jesus' awesome name. AMEN.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Glory to Him who rescued me
Isaiah 53
1 Who has believed our message
and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away.
Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
for the transgression of my people he was punished.
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,
he will see the light of life and be satisfied;
by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors.
Almighty Father, words cannot express how I feel today. A remembrance of what You have done out of great love. Indeed You have loved me before I have loved You. Indeed You have known me before I have known You. Indeed You have died for me even while I was a sinner. Thank you Lord, Thank You.
1 Who has believed our message
and to whom has the arm of the LORD been revealed?
2 He grew up before him like a tender shoot,
and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him,
nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.
3 He was despised and rejected by mankind,
a man of suffering, and familiar with pain.
Like one from whom people hide their faces
he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.
4 Surely he took up our pain
and bore our suffering,
yet we considered him punished by God,
stricken by him, and afflicted.
5 But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.
6 We all, like sheep, have gone astray,
each of us has turned to our own way;
and the LORD has laid on him
the iniquity of us all.
7 He was oppressed and afflicted,
yet he did not open his mouth;
he was led like a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before its shearers is silent,
so he did not open his mouth.
8 By oppression and judgment he was taken away.
Yet who of his generation protested?
For he was cut off from the land of the living;
for the transgression of my people he was punished.
9 He was assigned a grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in his death,
though he had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in his mouth.
10 Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer,
and though the LORD makes his life an offering for sin,
he will see his offspring and prolong his days,
and the will of the LORD will prosper in his hand.
11 After he has suffered,
he will see the light of life and be satisfied;
by his knowledge my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will bear their iniquities.
12 Therefore I will give him a portion among the great,
and he will divide the spoils with the strong,
because he poured out his life unto death,
and was numbered with the transgressors.
For he bore the sin of many,
and made intercession for the transgressors.
Almighty Father, words cannot express how I feel today. A remembrance of what You have done out of great love. Indeed You have loved me before I have loved You. Indeed You have known me before I have known You. Indeed You have died for me even while I was a sinner. Thank you Lord, Thank You.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
paper due... JWs
Please pray again tomorrow around 11pm. For the same things please. AND one more... for me to be awake or just pray silently. I am attempting to finish writing a paper that is due tomorrow. I think I might go to bed at 3am. :(
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
how do You do it
my FATHER, how do You have so much long-suffering and love for people who don't see a need for reconciliation? my mom and i are not mad at each other or fighting. but there is also no true relationship. i yearn for a genuine relationship with her. i yearn to reconcile with her under the superficial okayness of our relationship. is this how You feel about the world? You long so much for the world to reconcile with You but they turn away and ignore their own longing for You. Teach me how to pray. Teach me what to pray. Teach me to endure this pain for my mother. You have given me the desire to reach out. Give me the love for her that surpasses all understanding Lord. Give me the opportunities to reach out and give her the desire to reconcile with me and You. I pray for Your guards to conquer her house and rid of all darkness. I pray that You will send angels to fight for her. I pray You will give one believer the desire to reach out to her. Someone to pray for her and challenge her. I pray my mom will receive it with gladness. LORD, have mercy on her. Tell me what to do and I will do it.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
blogging revival?
don't know what's going on, my written journal is obviously suffering because i've been blogging more these days. but i have felt a need to these days.
i've been praying for a heart of compassion and love towards my mom. the same heart i was praying for in order to forgive my dad and reconcile with him. growing up, my relationship with my dad wasn't that bad. he always sat down and did homework with me. although later on he confessed it's because he thought i was slow and needed more help hahahaha. i think being the child after my brother who's mentally handicapped made them more concerned about me?
he has always been the one i adored. i remember he used to discipline me with a belt. i was always the one in trouble and misunderstood. i remember one time (2nd grade?) i did something to deserve discipline. i stood in front of him crying. he hit me with the belt and i just broke. something happened that day because he took me into his arms and sighed, "if you weren't bad i wouldn't have had to discipline you. it's ok, it's over." something about my crying or my reaction to his anger made him never to use a belt on me again.
im not sure if that was a good thing though hahahahahha. it just wasn't helping anyway. i was so stubborn and i was so full of sin. no amount of their angry discipline did anything. that's another story... in short, i had an okay relationship with my dad. he was always angry and he was the traditional chinese father, but i wanted a genuine relationship with him, not just a good one. many things happened for the past 10-15 years, a lot of hurt and betrayal, and i couldn't talk to him. i knew crying every time i thought about my dad or talked to my dad was unhealthy. i avoided his phone calls and emails. one day, i've had it. i cried out to God and i wanted this to be done with. He gave me a love for my dad I have never had before. He gave me His love for my dad. He gave me His forgiveness for him. suddenly, nothing mattered anymore. the things my dad has done, are doing and will do just didn't seem to my concern anymore. all i wanted was for him to be saved.
LORD, that is the heart i want to have for my mom.
i've been praying for a heart of compassion and love towards my mom. the same heart i was praying for in order to forgive my dad and reconcile with him. growing up, my relationship with my dad wasn't that bad. he always sat down and did homework with me. although later on he confessed it's because he thought i was slow and needed more help hahahaha. i think being the child after my brother who's mentally handicapped made them more concerned about me?
he has always been the one i adored. i remember he used to discipline me with a belt. i was always the one in trouble and misunderstood. i remember one time (2nd grade?) i did something to deserve discipline. i stood in front of him crying. he hit me with the belt and i just broke. something happened that day because he took me into his arms and sighed, "if you weren't bad i wouldn't have had to discipline you. it's ok, it's over." something about my crying or my reaction to his anger made him never to use a belt on me again.
im not sure if that was a good thing though hahahahahha. it just wasn't helping anyway. i was so stubborn and i was so full of sin. no amount of their angry discipline did anything. that's another story... in short, i had an okay relationship with my dad. he was always angry and he was the traditional chinese father, but i wanted a genuine relationship with him, not just a good one. many things happened for the past 10-15 years, a lot of hurt and betrayal, and i couldn't talk to him. i knew crying every time i thought about my dad or talked to my dad was unhealthy. i avoided his phone calls and emails. one day, i've had it. i cried out to God and i wanted this to be done with. He gave me a love for my dad I have never had before. He gave me His love for my dad. He gave me His forgiveness for him. suddenly, nothing mattered anymore. the things my dad has done, are doing and will do just didn't seem to my concern anymore. all i wanted was for him to be saved.
LORD, that is the heart i want to have for my mom.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Always up to something
God You have been stirring something in me and I finally know what it is. It is a burden. A burden for my homeland, a burden for my people, a burden for my lost relatives and family. I have never yearned to go back to Hong Kong this way before. When I was a foolish teenager, I longed to leave this place. When I left, I yearned to visit my friends and the pleasures there. When I lost touch with most of my friends, I have stopped thinking about it. Then You saved my soul. You turned my life around and You gave me a godly man to serve alongside with. You sent me on missions for 3 months in foreign lands with strangers and You used me. I was on my way back to the States after 3 long months in Central and SE Asia bouncing between 6 nations. Incidentally, one of them was Hong Kong. So I shared with my dad who was there to see me for an hour. Then, You let me cross path with a taxi driver. I asked him if he had given his life to Jesus and to my surprise, he said yes! He said he went to church but is discouraged. Right there, You told me to encourage him to be a bold believer and to go back because You are calling him back. It was such a simple encounter yet profound for me. Let's fast forward to just a year back, Lord, You gave me a dream. My pastor, yes, Bob, was showing me something about Hong Kong and I said well, you will need a plan and connections to make it happen. He said, well, you are going with me. And You remember what I did in my dream..... LAUGH! I woke up thinking... UH OH, I just laughed at God... Then, http://witnesshk.com/... and one of my good friends who's like a brother became a believer, and on and on and on and on..... Yes You have successfully bombarded me! Lord, What is it You want me to do? Please make it clear. You know what I would LOVE to do is to lead worship at a Passion conference for the Chinese people in any part of China. ;) I'm JUST SAYIN!
A beautiful song in Mandarin - Jesus I need You
A beautiful song in Mandarin - Jesus I need You
Sunday, April 10, 2011
please pray - it's time again
Tomorrow M and S will come visit again. We are going to try focusing on salvation and Jesus' Deity. Please pray earnestly:
1. the Holy Spirit will cover and engulf my house
2. all 8 children will be protected from all evil
3. that God will equip us with His armor so we can stand firm
4. Jesus will reveal Himself through the Word, through us, and through miraculous ways
5. to remember this is indeed God's battle
6. that we will be open to the Spirit's prompting
7. that every evil presence and spirit around M and S will not be allowed to follow them in
8. for mercy and grace upon us
9. keep our focus on His prompting, His Words, and the Truth
10. keep our focus on the topics we studied, and that the Spirit will bring those knowledge into our lips
11. keep the Word of God open and flowing and have the courage to say NO to the other sources when brought up
LORD GOD, I confess that we fall short of Your glory and Your majesty. Have mercy on Your servants! I know this is a real spiritual battle and that our Enemy even at this hour is prowling around like a hungry lion, just waiting to injure us. But I know You are stronger and higher than the Enemy. You are bigger and You are more powerful. I declare Your Kingdom in our lives and thank You for going before us in this battle. It is not our battle. It is Yours. You have the Way to M and S hearts and You have plans for their lives. LORD protect our children, be with them as we meet. Cover them with Your Spirit and calm them. Especially our younger ones LORD, help them to be content and satisfied. Build a wall of fire around our house so no evil things can ever come near. Post Your Guards at our door posts and defend this place. Be among us and speak through us. Bring up the knowledge we have learned in Your Spirit and Your Word so we can stand firm against them. Penetrate their hearts and souls with Your Sword. Impress upon hearts so our brothers and sisters in Christ will pray like wild fire for us. God thank You for doing a mighty work. You are the most awesomest EVER. AMEN.
1. the Holy Spirit will cover and engulf my house
2. all 8 children will be protected from all evil
3. that God will equip us with His armor so we can stand firm
4. Jesus will reveal Himself through the Word, through us, and through miraculous ways
5. to remember this is indeed God's battle
6. that we will be open to the Spirit's prompting
7. that every evil presence and spirit around M and S will not be allowed to follow them in
8. for mercy and grace upon us
9. keep our focus on His prompting, His Words, and the Truth
10. keep our focus on the topics we studied, and that the Spirit will bring those knowledge into our lips
11. keep the Word of God open and flowing and have the courage to say NO to the other sources when brought up
LORD GOD, I confess that we fall short of Your glory and Your majesty. Have mercy on Your servants! I know this is a real spiritual battle and that our Enemy even at this hour is prowling around like a hungry lion, just waiting to injure us. But I know You are stronger and higher than the Enemy. You are bigger and You are more powerful. I declare Your Kingdom in our lives and thank You for going before us in this battle. It is not our battle. It is Yours. You have the Way to M and S hearts and You have plans for their lives. LORD protect our children, be with them as we meet. Cover them with Your Spirit and calm them. Especially our younger ones LORD, help them to be content and satisfied. Build a wall of fire around our house so no evil things can ever come near. Post Your Guards at our door posts and defend this place. Be among us and speak through us. Bring up the knowledge we have learned in Your Spirit and Your Word so we can stand firm against them. Penetrate their hearts and souls with Your Sword. Impress upon hearts so our brothers and sisters in Christ will pray like wild fire for us. God thank You for doing a mighty work. You are the most awesomest EVER. AMEN.
Conversations with my God,
jehovah witness,
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
please pray Mondays at 11am -Noon
This started when M and S knocked on the door a couple of weeks ago on Monday around 10:30am. I was with my mentee and I just did not want to turn them away! My grandma is a JW so naturally I told them. With the intentions to overwhelm them with questions, they decided they would do some research and come back to do these "bible studies". I invited another sister in Christ from the seminary to couple with me. For until the day they stand up and leave for good, Lord willing, we will continue to pray, learn, fish, and plant the Truth.
The last part of 2John gave me doubts when I had first invited them in and back the next week. Especially in verse 10 and 11, "If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work."
With godly counsel from countless women, prayers, and discernment for this situation, here are 3 things I have learned:
1. pray and know God's will in the situation
2. the study bible - inviting them with a special blessing, to approve of their ministry, letting them teach without opposition etc is dangerous
3. inviting people of different faiths, with the intentions to fish for their souls, into your home is not a sin
So, since then, I have been reading articles, books, testimonies, listening to sermons so we can better stand for Christ and what He died and rose again for. These ladies are real people with real hurts and souls.
After this past Monday's session, my heart went out to my grandma. In all these years, she has gone knocking on hundreds of doors, I wonder how many followers of Christ slammed the door on her face, or plainly told her, "im saved", or hid from her. Who? Who had the courage and the perseverance to fish for her? I know nothing is coincidental. God, You are stirring yet again, something inside me. I'm Yours and I will do Your bidding. Pour Your knowledge, wisdom, heart, and love in me. Let Your light shine through me. There is nothing too difficult for You. I plead my case before You Lord, look at these people. They are lost and they are led away by false prophets! Have mercy and bring them back! Reveal Yourself to them, speak to them, shake their faiths in these false religions, and change their course. Your will be done. AMEN.
The last part of 2John gave me doubts when I had first invited them in and back the next week. Especially in verse 10 and 11, "If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work."
With godly counsel from countless women, prayers, and discernment for this situation, here are 3 things I have learned:
1. pray and know God's will in the situation
2. the study bible - inviting them with a special blessing, to approve of their ministry, letting them teach without opposition etc is dangerous
3. inviting people of different faiths, with the intentions to fish for their souls, into your home is not a sin
So, since then, I have been reading articles, books, testimonies, listening to sermons so we can better stand for Christ and what He died and rose again for. These ladies are real people with real hurts and souls.
After this past Monday's session, my heart went out to my grandma. In all these years, she has gone knocking on hundreds of doors, I wonder how many followers of Christ slammed the door on her face, or plainly told her, "im saved", or hid from her. Who? Who had the courage and the perseverance to fish for her? I know nothing is coincidental. God, You are stirring yet again, something inside me. I'm Yours and I will do Your bidding. Pour Your knowledge, wisdom, heart, and love in me. Let Your light shine through me. There is nothing too difficult for You. I plead my case before You Lord, look at these people. They are lost and they are led away by false prophets! Have mercy and bring them back! Reveal Yourself to them, speak to them, shake their faiths in these false religions, and change their course. Your will be done. AMEN.
Conversations with my God,
jehovah witness,
Thursday, March 31, 2011
wow oh wow
I thank God that He gave me the opportunity to be the Metochai Discipleship Chair this year. It has been so challenging AND rewarding. From giving book reviews to organizing the first metochai retreat, all of it has really been worthwhile. So So so so much fun! God is so awesome. He is constantly challenging me and letting me grow. I am His forever and always. Jesus You are the One true God. There is no other but you.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
haha funny
i had just written a little column where I mentioned Lady Gaga last month in Metochai newsletter, and thought it was funny to see Jim Daly writing about her.
Here's mine:
God you make me laugh and you give me so much joy. Thanks.
Here's mine:
As women who fear the Lord, He empowers us to live every way opposite to the configurations of this world, raise up a legacy to push back at what the world has to offer, and sit back to laugh at “the days to come”(Pr31:25) with full confidence in His sovereignty. Last night, I stumbled on a link to the Grammy’s “Lady Gaga’s Egg-citing Costume”. If you do not know what I am referring to, ask a teenager. Today’s role model, Lady Gaga, has a new album called “Born this way” – a message to embrace sin and enjoy life without remorse. Truth? Lady Gaga is just a 24 yr old girl who was hurt by the world, mistaken to be a light for many. Our tunnels may be dark but we follow another Light. As women of Truth, we honor our Lord with the work done in secret (Matt6:3-5); and our husbands, with the discernment and perseverance in support of their Kingdom work (Eph5:21-33); and our children, by continuing to give of ourselves for the greater promises of their own legacies. (Deut6) Let’s run this good race together and be “mistaken” as a light for others. John 5:19-23Here's Jim Daly:
http://www.focusonlinecommunities.com/blogs/Finding_Home/2011/03/09/lady-gaga-was-not-born-this-way#cfhehehe... anyway, I rebutted to some of the comments.. it was fun.
God you make me laugh and you give me so much joy. Thanks.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
A step UP
Phill had been doing "daddy tapes" for the kids for when he's not home. We started about two years ago i think and these tapes are hard to make and the quality is horrible. With savvy technology, he is now able to produce a video for the kids. Here's the first episode!
And here's a footage of my kids watching it:
Lord continue to help us raise these kids in Your path. Remind us always that they are all Yours and that Your hands are upon them. Remind us of the Hope we have in You and to lift them up to You often. Be gracious to us. AMEN.
And here's a footage of my kids watching it:
Lord continue to help us raise these kids in Your path. Remind us always that they are all Yours and that Your hands are upon them. Remind us of the Hope we have in You and to lift them up to You often. Be gracious to us. AMEN.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Phil vischer
"The world doesn't learn about God by watching Christian television, the world learns about God by watching Christians. And that's where we are failing everyday." - Phil Vischer
Friday, January 28, 2011
friday afternoon!
YES it's friday afternoon. It's 73F outside! I guess we've known DFW to be that way. Hot or Cold. Winter or Summer. Either way, it's allergies all year long! LOL
Lately, I have been struggling with control. When I got stressed out as a kid, I used to throw my towels in and pick on someone to fight with. About 5 years ago I learned as a follower of Christ that underachieving or picking fights are neither effective or godly, when I got stressed, I would read and write like crazy. Now, I have apparently picked up another habit of control.... deep cleaning!
So lately, when I stressed out about the homework I need to turn in, or deadlines of the projects, or intensive relationships with family, etc etc, I start cleaning. Now you might think that's a great problem to have, but really, I need to read if I'm stressed out about how I'm going to finish a reading assignment...or sit down to finish my homework if I'm stressed out about that one etc.
I obviously knows about this so God and I are definitely working on it: to balance out cleaning and working and leisure time. Interestingly is also a class I am taking. It's called "Recreation ministry". The first class last Monday was about how lots of adults are imbalanced in their time management. And Metochai last night, was about the "well prepared" woman. We'd love to think we have control, but we don't. We have to be prepared to sacrifice, to pray and fast, to be gracious, to be patient, etc etc etc. Funny how God works.
God Almighty, You are sovereign and knew me before I was born. You have total control over everything I have no control over. Help me continually to give it all to You and help me to let go of these things. I will devote my children and their children unto you all my days. I pray that You will help my children and their children to love you more than anything else and to devote themselves wholly unto You. Continue to bless my relationship with my husband, with Abigail, with Isaac, and with Esther. Give us Your wisdom and grace as we raise these kids You have blessed us with. In Your Son's beautiful name I pray, AMEN.
Lately, I have been struggling with control. When I got stressed out as a kid, I used to throw my towels in and pick on someone to fight with. About 5 years ago I learned as a follower of Christ that underachieving or picking fights are neither effective or godly, when I got stressed, I would read and write like crazy. Now, I have apparently picked up another habit of control.... deep cleaning!
So lately, when I stressed out about the homework I need to turn in, or deadlines of the projects, or intensive relationships with family, etc etc, I start cleaning. Now you might think that's a great problem to have, but really, I need to read if I'm stressed out about how I'm going to finish a reading assignment...or sit down to finish my homework if I'm stressed out about that one etc.
I obviously knows about this so God and I are definitely working on it: to balance out cleaning and working and leisure time. Interestingly is also a class I am taking. It's called "Recreation ministry". The first class last Monday was about how lots of adults are imbalanced in their time management. And Metochai last night, was about the "well prepared" woman. We'd love to think we have control, but we don't. We have to be prepared to sacrifice, to pray and fast, to be gracious, to be patient, etc etc etc. Funny how God works.
God Almighty, You are sovereign and knew me before I was born. You have total control over everything I have no control over. Help me continually to give it all to You and help me to let go of these things. I will devote my children and their children unto you all my days. I pray that You will help my children and their children to love you more than anything else and to devote themselves wholly unto You. Continue to bless my relationship with my husband, with Abigail, with Isaac, and with Esther. Give us Your wisdom and grace as we raise these kids You have blessed us with. In Your Son's beautiful name I pray, AMEN.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Quick entry
God bless the 15 CDs that i passed out on friday and bless the ministries that will be using it. Let my song bless the ministers, the ministries, the kids, and the parents. AMEN.
Started a faith journey folder for the kids. God bless these too.
Continue to direct our path as a family. We will go where you go and make Your will known to all. Thank You for letting me and the kids stay in BSF. Let me glorify You with my kids, my gifts, and all I do. I pray for the friends that are in my heart right now for them to continue to seek You and find You. Reveal Your grace to them and overwhelm them with Your Spirit. Help me to be Your vessel and give me Your words for them. AMEN.
Started a faith journey folder for the kids. God bless these too.
Continue to direct our path as a family. We will go where you go and make Your will known to all. Thank You for letting me and the kids stay in BSF. Let me glorify You with my kids, my gifts, and all I do. I pray for the friends that are in my heart right now for them to continue to seek You and find You. Reveal Your grace to them and overwhelm them with Your Spirit. Help me to be Your vessel and give me Your words for them. AMEN.
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
a "mock VBS" song
I have been taking a 5-day 8am-5pm intensive class for children's ministry this week and I wrote this song for one of the projects. Class started Monday morning, God gave me this song on Monday night, we are presenting it Thur morning. I have to pretend I am teaching at a VBS and I have to effectively deliver the ABC gospel to the kids in different ways. This is one of the ways:
Click on the title to listen
by Joanna Koo
Admit! Believe! Confess! 2 3 4
Admit I've done wrong and fallen short (rom3:23)
Believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God (rom5:8; jn3:16)
Confess I'm gonna sing, and shout, and tell (rom 10:9-10)
him her you and you and you and you (matt28:19-20)
hey hey hey
that Jesus is the One, the Christ, the Lord
the Light, the Truth, the Messiah,
He is the Son of God, the Savior, and King
the River of life, the One lifted high
I won't be afraid to confess with my mouth
that Jesus is the One, the Christ, the Lord
Oh Lord my GOD, You prove Yourself to be glorious and sovereign. Thank You for letting me meet the people in this class and letting me use the gifts You have given me to finish projects. Continue to use me and mold me. I know You see the finish products and I will trust in Your path and believe in Your plans. Help me remember the ways You have blessed me and empowered me. I love Your Son. Amen, AMEN.
Click on the title to listen
by Joanna Koo
Admit! Believe! Confess! 2 3 4
Admit I've done wrong and fallen short (rom3:23)
Believe in my heart that Jesus is the Son of God (rom5:8; jn3:16)
Confess I'm gonna sing, and shout, and tell (rom 10:9-10)
him her you and you and you and you (matt28:19-20)
hey hey hey
that Jesus is the One, the Christ, the Lord
the Light, the Truth, the Messiah,
He is the Son of God, the Savior, and King
the River of life, the One lifted high
I won't be afraid to confess with my mouth
that Jesus is the One, the Christ, the Lord
Oh Lord my GOD, You prove Yourself to be glorious and sovereign. Thank You for letting me meet the people in this class and letting me use the gifts You have given me to finish projects. Continue to use me and mold me. I know You see the finish products and I will trust in Your path and believe in Your plans. Help me remember the ways You have blessed me and empowered me. I love Your Son. Amen, AMEN.
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